Chayei Sarah Videos
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Abraham’s acquisition of the Cave of Machpelah
A closer reading of a few unusual words in Rashi's commentary resolves puzzling questions in the narrative of Abraham's purchase of the Cave of Machpelah as a burial place for his wife Sarah. This novel insight affords a powerful message for our times. (Likutei Sichos vol. 35)
Our Special Connection to Chevron
There are three places in the land of Israel that the nations of the world are compelled to admit belong to the Jews: the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron, The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem, for all three were purchased outright. The first such acquisition was the cave in Hebron by Abraham. This class will explain why Providence ordained that Hebron be the first location where Jewish ownership is established. (Likutei Sichos vol. 25)
The biblical narrative of “Isaac meets Rebecca” isn't exactly a romantic courtship. A servant, appointed matchmaker is given access to unlimited funds to convince the “right” girl to marry a man without ever seeing him. To thicken the plot, this “match made in heaven” seems entirely incompatible and doomed from the get go. The unnecessary repeated details only provoke more questions. This profoundly mystical presentation reveals a vast new perspective; overwhelmingly dissolving all questions, and providing a compelling blueprint for achieving inner balance that equals personal satisfaction and happiness in life!
Parsha Curiosities: Chayei Sarah
Abraham’s famous servant looms large in the Bible with many virtuous qualities attributed to him in our sacred tradition. Yet, his master seems unable to trust him without administering a sacred oath. Why would such an outstandingly righteous person be so distrusted? This fascinating offering peels away the mysterious layers shrouding this legendary figure, to reveal his true identity.
While we may admire pristine order and perfection, is there greater virtue in another focus? Perfection and holiness can be two different paths. Learn how the busy, rumpled person may be actually greater in holiness, since he has a different priority. Gain perspectives on where to put your energy for maximum happiness and satisfaction.
At the age of 140 Avraham remarries Hagar and fathers six children. Strangely, the Torah does not indicate that this was miraculous. In answering this question, this talk explores the divergent legacies of Abraham and Sarah and the respective roles of men and women in bringing about the Messianic Era. (Based on Likutei Sichos, volume 35, Chayei Sarah 3)
Visiting the resting place of a Tzaddik in the Torah
This historic overview of Abraham’s burial in the Cave of Machpelah becomes a springboard to clarify the importance of sacred burial grounds. Discover why we pray at the resting place of Tzadikim (the truly righteous) even though we believe in addressing G-d directly. See how going to the Ohel isn’t a recent phenomenon, but a sacred Torah-true and time-honoured tradition that’s as old as Judaism itself!
Finding a Wife for Yitzchak (2)
Ch. 24, verses 4 - 21: Eliezer the servant of Avraham sets out on his mission to find a wife for Yitzhok. He stops at a well and prays to Hashem to show him the girl who would be chosen to be Yitzhok's wife. He proposes certain test to prove she would be the one. Rivkah appears immediately and begins to fulfill all of the tests that he had proposed to Hashem.
Avraham's Passing and Burial
Ch. 25, verses 1-18: Avraham marries Keturah, she bears him six sons. He sends them to the east with gifts. However, to Yitzchok he leaves all that he owns. He dies at the age of 175. He is buried by Yitzchok and Yishmael in the Machpelah with Sarah. Continues with the genealogy of Yishmael, and his death at the age of 137.
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