
Rabbi Gordon - Chayei Sarah: 1st Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - Chayei Sarah: 1st Portion

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Chayei Sarah, Parshah

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Francis Kinney Greenville November 17, 2024

Was Ishmael buried in Hebron as well? Ketura? Reply

Anonymous Los Angeles November 11, 2014

Sarah's location at death Was Sarah and Abraham separated at the time of her death? If so, was this due to the request to sacrifice Isaac? Reply

Family Clark Tasmania November 7, 2020
in response to Anonymous:

Not sure which sense you use 'separated'. As I understand it Sarah died while Abraham was away with Yitzchok on Mt Moriah. When Sarah heard of this she died. There is more to this but since your question dates back to 6 years ago you have probably discussed with your local Chabad Rabbi and have a deeper understanding of the event.
Best wishes for your health and happiness both physical and spiritual. Reply

Study the daily Chumash with Rashi, Tanya and Rambam with master teacher Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon.
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