
Webinar: Rabbeinu Bachaye's Seven Keys to Serenity

The seven divine qualities that make total trust possible

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Webinar: Rabbeinu Bachaye's Seven Keys to Serenity: The seven divine qualities that make total trust possible

Part of a series exploring classic Jewish texts that promise peace, calm and optimism.
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Bachya ben Yosef ibn Paquda (Chovot Halevavot), Bitachon

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JessicaAnn Carson 🇺🇸United States May 17, 2024

Wow 🤯! I am in such a shocked state right now. Because I was always told G-d is only out to get us and punish us. And it was engraved in my thoughts because I was told since I can remember that I am bad. I keep making such bad mistakes that I can never do enough good things for G-d to forgive me or love me. I was made to believe that I never deserved forgiveness. And my home was full of violence during my upbringing. The thought of being able to trust myself, or anything or anyone not to desire to hurt me never really crossed my mind as even being a reality.

Just discovering that HaShem really is NOT out to get me or punish me is such an incredible emotion that I can’t even put it into words. I am overwhelmed by now knowing that HaShem loves me and all that HaShem has created and this does NOT change regardless of our mistakes.

The very thought of HaShem being more like a parent who says yes, I know you have made a terrible mistake. But I want to help you be better. Just WoW! Reply

Professor Dickshtein SA June 8, 2023

Thank you Rabbi Freeman, I just want to point out that Shaar Habitachon was not written by Rabbeinu Bachaye, rather Rabbeinu Bachya ibn Paquda. Reply