
The Power of Bitachon (Trust in G‑d), Part 1

Spiritual Development: Lesson 3

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The Power of Bitachon, Part 1: Spiritual Development: Lesson 3

Paradoxically, we achieve control over our lives through surrendering and trusting in G‑d.
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Faith; Belief in G-d, Bitachon

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Shirley Agoura Hills, California March 18, 2021

I want Betachon all ways all the time Reply

Leah December 3, 2019

Amazing shiur.
Thank you very much. Reply

Anonymous Israel January 14, 2016

That was a really nice shiur. However, how do you know when Hashem is sending you help and maybe you are just asking for more? The 100 rubles from the merchant, to me, sounded like Hashem sending help. THe man waited did not want to take the 100 rubles, and maybe this was just being passive?! Reply

Petros Uk August 29, 2013

If we emphasize the 'trust' interpretation of Bitachon we are in danger of inviting inaction and a passivity which borders on indolence. If however we emphasize Bitachon to be a removal of 'the fear of man' as many sages did we end up with a psychology that promotes appropriateness in all aspects of our service to HaShem, including action in a measured, non-coerced, correct manner. Emunah is strengthened when Bitachon removes us from the tyranny of man to allow us to be free to serve H-shem, replacing our fear of man with fear of G-d. Reply

Caesar Lewis Covina Ca. August 28, 2013

It was a blessing to hear you with so much wisdom..I was so delighted an would love to have a written copy if all possible . My English is poor an i don't understand Hebrew ...my native language is Spanish ...aim all most sure u speak Spanish for you said you grew up in Argentina ...the scrip that I'm hoping you send is ("the power of Bitachon(trust in G-d")...thank you an may The Lord almighty be with you always Reply

Sylvia Franklin August 27, 2013

Bitachon Dear Mrs. Freeman,

This Part 1teaching was such a blessing to me tonight. During this month of Elul I've been examining my life and in repentance for many things. I acknowledge that trust, surrender and humility seem to be the common points of failure I've experienced. I hear the questioning voices asking who I'm trusting but more importantly, as you said, I hear why do you deserve the help. Why I've entertained such thoughts I don't know. As you taught in "Power of the Mind", I must be more diligent in guarding the thoughts of my mind so hey don't gain entrance into my heart. Thank you for our teaching this to me. I sincerely ask for prayer for myself in this area and as you advised, I'll ask Hashem to help me with my trusting and surrendering all to Him. Reply

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