
Can One Size Fit All?

A short insight on Parshat Toldot

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Can One Size Fit All?: A short insight on Parshat Toldot

Are you the ultimate uninhibited extrovert? Or perhaps you are a definitive introvert? No need to conform. Cultivate your own unique path in your service of our Creator!

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Alicia MADRID December 2, 2016

Judaims fits me It is the only religion where I feel I can be myself and make my life and family, without beeing called crazy. Where I am allowed to have one unique man of my own size and not thousands of little ones to pay for other people pagans sins. Shema Israel Hashem, Elokeinu Hashem Ejad. Lets do it. Shabat Shalom Reply

Janice Denver December 2, 2016

One Size Fits All Thank you for saying something positive about introverts they are usually mislabeld shy or unsocial. We live in a world very high energy, (in fact there are drinks to increase energy) noisey (no room for peace and quiet, and many talk at rapid pace, and great emotion. Extroverts need to make more room for interverts. Reply

Anonymous NYC December 1, 2016

Great! Reply

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