
Severe Blessings

The mystical dimension of Yitzchak’s awesome blessings

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Severe Blessings: The mystical dimension of Yitzchak’s awesome blessings

When Yitzchak bestows the blessing of the first-born, rather than invoking the name of G-d associated with mercy and benevolence, he invokes the name of G-d associated with judgment and severity. This class will explain this oddity and offers an encouraging message for our times.
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Blessing, Gevurah, Isaac Blesses Jacob, Toldot

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Aliza Davidovit AVENTURA November 4, 2021

Love the rabbis shiurim. Reply

Mike Ettinger Nova Scotia November 16, 2017

To plow the fallow ground, how the dome of the rock stands on the temple mount, as if in judgement to Esau's blessing, until the truth springs up from Isaac's third well. It is said we rise to Heaven with two wings, one of fear and one of love. The folly of Holiness....fear consumes as does love. Abram was tried by natural fire and the offering of Isaac gave G-d the right to bless us. But what offering redeems us from the supernatural fire which consumed Ahab and Abihu. What soul will experience such torment and not be consumed. Fear gives rise to torment when increased by the power of G-d, sure it can help us rise in the lower heavens in regard to respect of the awesome power of G-d's holiness, but it is also G-d's holy power that can consume us with literal terror that sucks us out of existence as a living lightning bolt. Who can stand in the mouth of Enoch's dreadful pit, whose pitch is deep and dreadful. What stone stands in the mouth upon which G-d builds the third temple? Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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