
Esau's Wife, Righteous or Wicked?

Parshah Toldot

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Esau's Wife, Righteous or Wicked?: Parshah Toldot

Esau married his uncle Ishmael's daughter Machalat. Was Machalat righteous or wicked? Scripture gives us evidence to argue both ways.
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Pig, Esau, Toldot

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Moishe New Hampstead November 5, 2021

Hi Rachelle,

I totally agree with what you write. As I explained there are, of course, both righteous and wicked women as evidenced by Esav’s wives. The takeaway from the class is that all of us - men especially - need learn and cultivate the feminine quality of effecting change from within. I hope your heart is whole:) Reply

Rachelle Singer Pittsburgh November 10, 2021
in response to Moishe New:

The glue to healing a heart are words of learning the Truth and Torah; thank G-d you are here to teach, I aim for wholeness for myself and my children. May all that is good similarly come to you and yours. Reply

Rachelle Singer Pittsburgh November 4, 2021

My heart is quite possibly broken listening to this brilliant man tell us that a woman/wife is capable of changing a 'chazir' as Esau was, into a kosher mentsch? Is this the secret to saving marriages as well as overhauling the despicable obscenities, political and personal in the world today? Rabbi New, a woman can speak with a honeyed tongue, rubies may fall from her lips, she may whip up the fluffiest kugels, gefilte fish that is renown, guests might line up for her cholent, but I would respectfully remind anyone, marriage requires mutual respect and work, not wolves in sheep's clothing; the allegory of marriage in this instance is a peculiar mistake by everyone particularly since earlier parshas give us examples of tzadekases who had partners who protected and cherished them. As for rehabbing the evils that fill the world in our time...we are all to be shluchiim perhaps we need to measure the 'world' that much be corrected beginning with our own families and go forth from there. Reply

Anonymous Safed November 26, 2019

the obvious reason that you are forgiven your sins when you get married is because it's not easy to be married to put it mildly Reply

Anonymous london UK November 11, 2015

fantastic shiur and so empowering.
from one your seminary students Reply

zeynep October 29, 2013

WHY??? I just don't get it. Why this rage against Esau? Why this hair-raising sophistry of hate language in the Rabbinic tradition? This is a Jew who is being dealt with. Even when there is a truth to what's being propagated against him (I personally don't buy a single word of it!), is this the way to treat a fellow Jew? Aren't we told "the sin ..not the sinner"? There is something terribly terribly wrong here.

Anyone who wants to sail to calmer, loving waters about Esau, should consult an excellent article by Tali Loewenthal entitled "Esau, The Transformer", where he presents the Rebbe's take on Esau. The Rebbe's 'emissaries' obviously don't follow him on this issue. Reply

Moishe New Hampstead November 5, 2021
in response to zeynep:

Dear Zeynep,

The message of the class is in fact that Esav is redeemable. The focus here was the nature of Esav’s wickedness which goes, in a certain sense, even beyond his violent and sinful conduct. Elsewhere in our classes (based on Chassidus - particularly the Rebbe’s teachings, as is this class) we address Eisav’s tremendous potential and lofty source - beyond even Jacob’s. Reply

Anonymous New York October 28, 2013

Montrealer GO Rabbi New! Thank you for sharing your wisdom Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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