
The Woman Who Didn’t Believe

Parshat Vayechi

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The Woman Who Didn’t Believe: Parshat Vayechi

Why I envied the faith of a Jewish woman who claimed she was a non-believer.
Faith; Belief in G-d, Vayechi

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Rachel Israel December 22, 2018

Yishar coach! Yishar coach!
Thank you! Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma January 13, 2017

spirituality is the deepest well the importance of The Book of Ruth for truth I know many people who do not believe but they do believe. They believe in Love. Many of them, atheists, and agnostics. Life brings us all to our knees. Life can be cruel in terms of illness, in terms of physical suffering, but it is equally cruel in what people do to each other, in war, in expressing hatred, and this often approaches genocidal hatred. Life moves to the poles, the agony and, the ecstasy. I believe you can easily substitute Love for G_d, and I believe G_d is laughing. Why? To live in this world is to know how it is a coming together and a splitting apart that is about diversity, and then the words, the verses, the poetry, and the me versus you. I cleave to the i sing, the icing on the cake. Life exists in many layers, and at this level, ground level, it's got to be an equal playing ground. I see the awe in all, that G_d is everywhere, and often playing a Cosmic game, of what's my line. It's a Love Story, plain and simple, and the letters, the Aleph, for plough shares. Reply

S U.K. January 12, 2017

Belief Humanity, where does it exists, can I believe in this?

Caring for others, kindness towards one another, selfless individuals, does this exist anymore?

HaShem was here before man and will exist after my life. His miracles, healing and gentle assistance are all around us, when we choose to open our hearts and minds.

May your lady student continue to flourish with the blessing of Torah, a true gift with the greatest love. Reply

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