
How a Young Boy Saved His Sister from the Nazis

Parshat Vaeira

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How a Young Boy Saved His Sister from the Nazis: Parshat Vaeira

The miraculous story of how Yitzchak Slutzky freed his sister from a sadistic Nazi commander.
Holocaust Survivors, Everything is for the Good, Va'eira

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Sabrina Paradis Calgary, Canada January 15, 2023

I just read the comments from 2 men dated 2017 and 2020 questioning G-d and the age old “where was he” …. My question is “Where were we? why do so many Jews assimilate? Why do Jewish men marry out and produce little goys and decrease our numbers and then continue to question Hashem? Why do we Idol worship, celebrate every goyisha holiday, eat non kosher, avoid Synagogue and then have the audacity to question him? It’s 5783. Perhaps he’s wondering …”where were we - where are we? Reply

Tamyla Abraham Other January 1, 2022

Humbling Reply

Mark J Fox New York City January 22, 2020

Posting this story on the 75th anniversary of the day the killing stopped at Auschwitz is more than al ittle disturbing. It implies that the divine hand shielded these two kids but struck down 1 million other children. Such an ugly thought. Better to honestly acknowledge that who lived and who died was random. My uncle who lived through it said there were no survivors just victims. Reply

William Hollywood,, CA via chabadlosfeliz.org February 4, 2017

The hand of G-d needed to show up 6,000,000 times a few years ago. Reply

Petra February 3, 2017

Thank you so much - our granny is crying, so beautiful. She said while spending time at Auschwitz her mother told stories like yours. Thank you for giving her back those memories.
Petra, Anna and Mara from Germany, Duesseldorf Reply

Chaya NYC January 29, 2017

"God is bigger than our little minds." Brilliant and succinct. Thank you for the inspiration! Reply

Chana Weisberg January 27, 2017

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments! Reply

Miranda Brooklyn, New York January 27, 2017

I love your commentaries! Hi Chana,
I am not an Orthodox Jew but I love your videos and your commentaries- I read them every week- I send them onto my friend who lives in Borough Park and she loves them too. Thanks! Reply

Luke Singapore January 25, 2017

God works and continues to work in unseen ways Reply

Anistacia Miller San Diego January 24, 2017

Amazing story. Yes the hand of God showed up. Reply

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