
Was Moses a Poor Communicator?

Parshah Curiosities: Va'eira

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Was Moses a Poor Communicator?: Parshah Curiosities: Va'eira

Twice in the narrative we find Moses protesting and resisting G-d’s mission to tell Pharaoh to let the Jews go due to his difficulty to speak and sealed mouth. What was the remedy to this speech impediment, and why was he challenged this way in his role to be a powerful communicator?
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Speech; Communication, Moses, Va'eira

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Rita Forbes MD July 3, 2018

Rabbi Kendal,

Generally, I enjoy your teachings although I may sometimes not necessarily agree with scholarly interpretations. For the most part, the Chabad instructors give me added or new knowledge from the Torah and sages viewed from a different perspective. On this occasion, I was disappointed with your rendition of Moses "alleged" disability; stuttering. It was excessive verbage. I am sure that you are a sensitive person to those who possess disabilities (communication), but this lesson may be a bit hurtful to many who hear it and may cause a few to turn away from G-d. Reply

Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Thornhill, Ontario July 11, 2018
in response to Rita Forbes:

It was certainly not my intention to offend anybody. I regret not being more sensitive – sometimes I guess we are carried away in our passion and excitement to make a point. Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable and important feedback Reply

John Osborne Texas January 14, 2016

Rabbi Mendel great sermon Reply

John Osborne Texas January 14, 2016

Rabbi Mendel I would like to add. That Moses did not come with ALL good news. Of course the outcome was good news but not initially. The listeners were out of breath because they GASPED FOR AIR at the servitude that Moses requested. Everyone of them was to be dashed in pieces. Circumcised. Even Moses argued with his own wife just prior to this.. Reply

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