
Jewish Wonder Women

Parshah Curiosities: Vayakhel

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Jewish Wonder Women: Parshah Curiosities: Vayakhel

The Torah’s gives a glowing description of the women’s exceptional contributions towards constructing the Mishkan—highlighting the feminine superiority of faith. This class also uncovers intriguing nuggets on the art of spinning goat-hair, a ghost-written prayer, and the special connection to Rosh Chodesh.
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Sylvia UK March 7, 2016

Owning Femininity HaShem, through the Torah, allows women if they choose, to embrace being a 'woman'. When a woman allows herself to be guided by Torah teaching all the dignity, modesty and respect she deserves can be obtained in this world and her purpose on earth realised and fulfilled.

The woman's contribution to the Mishkan requires labour, the same as woman's contribution to the procreation of mankind. Both experiences bring a woman closer to HaShem in a way that cannot be replicated as each time is unique with the creation of a place for the divine soul to reside and part of the divine soul to reside in the womb through the child(ren). Reply