How could a human ego know it is nothing but a figment of a Supernal Mind, and yet remain a human being?
How could a finite, physical eye perceive infinite, G‑dly light, and yet remain an eye?
How could a stone scream out that there is nothing else but G‑d, and yet remain a stone?
It must be that the ego is not the ego we imagine it to be; that the physical is not the physicality we imagine it to be; that existence is not the absoluteness of being we assume when we speak of existence.
It must be that the true reality of all these things is a deeper meaning, the purpose for which they emerged into being; that the underlying condition that allows anything the privilege of existence is to know the divine.
The ego, the eye, the very physicality of the world—we have misinterpreted all of them. They are all nothing but instruments by which G‑d’s oneness can be known.
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