
Decoding G-D's Name

Three layers of meaning in “G-d is one”

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Decoding G-D's Name: Three layers of meaning in “G-d is one”

A deeper look at the meaning of Judaism's ultimate declaration of faith “Hear O’ Israel…G-d is one”. Chassidus unlocks three levels and layers of meaning in the phrase ‘G-d is one’, which evokes the four-letter name of G-d ‘HaVaYaH’ (Tetragrammaton) (Based on an excerpt of the maamor Havayeh Li B’ozri 5717)
Podcast: Subscribe to Moishe New - Commentaries on the Torah
Shema, Tammuz 12-13, Oneness of G-d, HaVaYaH

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Yahron Mills Iowa, USA December 25, 2021

I learned so much just in this one teaching. The depths of the Paradoxical layers are very deep and thought provoking. I've listened to this twice and the second time I took in-depth notes. It's taken me the entirety of Sabbath to digest this. Hours of Study. Excellent and my soul has been fed a full and satisfying meal.

Blessings Rabbi Moishe New Reply

Adriana Rio de Janeiro, Brazil February 6, 2021

Very elucidating! Actually!
Thanks Reply

Rubens Rodrigues Brazil January 18, 2017

Very inspiring! Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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