
Preparing for Judgment Day with Joy?

The Month of Elul

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Preparing for Judgment Day with Joy?: The Month of Elul

Chassidus teaches that throughout the month of Elul the Almighty is “unusually accessible” to every Jew as He displays “a smiling countenance and receives everyone with grace and favor.” Then, why are we not enjoined to be joyous?! In answering the question, this talk addresses the obligation to educate children, and reveals a unique kind of joy that lies at the core of the preparatory days of Elul. (Sefer HaSichos 5748, Shoftim)
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Education, King in the Field, Elul

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Moishe New Montreal September 7, 2015

Good question! Good question. Thank you. Of course you are correct that there is a commandment to teach Torah to children, however this means just that - to teach. There is no Biblical commandment however, as evidenced by the authorities e.g. Maimonides', enumeration of the 613 commandments, to train our children to actually observe the commandments. (The only exception is the kohen, who is commanded to train his children to avoid ritual impurity.) Similarly, no Codifier of the 613 Scriptural commandments includes a commandment to meditate on the greatness of G-d. The explanation for this was explained in our talk. Thank you for lending clarity to the subject. Reply

Dale Hurley fancy gap va usa September 5, 2015

You lost me. No commandment to teach children Torah? No commandment to meditate on God? Please explain Devarim 11:19. Sounds a bit like V'ahavta. Guess I should stay away from Kabbalah and concentrate on basics. Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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