
The Meaning of Freedom – Part 1

12 Tammuz 5745 • July 1, 1985

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The Meaning of Freedom - Part 1: 12 Tammuz 5745 • July 1, 1985

The Stalinist regime that imprisoned my father-in-law, the Rebbe, in 1927, was then a superpower. Despite that, he defied his oppressors. He did not budge an inch in anything that jeopardized his principles. Even at the train station, about to be exiled, he declared publicly: “Only our bodies, not our souls, were sent into exile.” And indeed, his defiance led to his release.
Body & Soul, Galut, Tammuz 12-13, Soviet War on Judaism, R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch, Freedom; Independence, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Meaning of Freedom – Part 1
12 Tammuz 5745 • July 1, 1985
Disc 37, Program 146

Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5745 - July 01, 1985

The Stalinist regime that imprisoned my father-in-law, the Rebbe, in 1927, was then a superpower. Despite that, he defied his oppressors. He did not budge an inch in anything that jeopardized his principles. Even at the train station, about to be exiled, he declared publicly: “Only our bodies, not our souls, were sent into exile.” And indeed, his defiance led to his release.

Exile has no control over a Jew’s observance of Judaism. Even when circumstances have landed him in an unlettered environment, his captivity there is only temporary and superficial. His true essence can always surface, because G‑d will not allow His child to remain a prisoner.

Even if a Jew is Jewish by name only, the story of my father-in-law’s liberation will infuse him with the requisite strength to liberate his own soul from its temporary exile.

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Yisroel Cotlar Cary, NC March 22, 2013

Re: Just as the Jews were freed from serving Pharoh to be given the Torah at Sinai and begin serving G-d, our freedom too is that where we have the Torah guiding us as our compass and manual. Reply

george March 19, 2013

I worry about the statement that freedom is the ability to be who you truly are. Hitler cherished the ability to be what he really was: A demon-like s.o.b.

Where is the red line where evil souls should be denied their freedom to be what they are? Reply

Anonymous July 3, 2008

I'd greatly appreciate your letting me know where I can find the transcript to this sicha? Reply

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