
Practical Halachah: Cooking on Shabbat, Part 1

The Definition of Biblical Cooking

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Practical Halachah: Cooking on Shabbat, Part 1: The Definition of Biblical Cooking

On Shabbat we abstain from 39 general categories of creative work. In this class we discuss the prohibition of cooking on Shabbat. Learn what constitutes the biblical ‘melachah’ (prohibited work) of cooking on Shabbat (called bishul), and its underlying principles and practical application. This includes defining the level of heat that’s capable of cooking (for solids and for liquids), and the different levels of ‘vessels’ (keli rishon, keli sheni etc.).
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Shabbat, Halacha, Prohibition of Cooking on Shabbat

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Anonymous July 9, 2015

Kli Sheini The Rabbi is referring to different situations: the hotter kli sheini content is from a different kli rishon. He's making a point that the type of vessel (one or two) matters as much as the temperature. Reply

Hilkey July 9, 2015

So the SecondaryMediator cup or pot can "cook", but not the original pot? How can it be possible that the kl'i sheini can be hotter, if being poured into?? Thanks Reply

Anonymous July 6, 2015

Please Downloadable! I agree with the comment above. The first few of these were downloadable. These are great to listen to on the bus. Reply

fabio niski June 22, 2015

PLEASE MAKE THE MP3 AUDIO AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD Could you please make the MP3 audio for this entire series available for download? It is extremely useful for people that needs to learn it during subway rides and other places with no internet.

Thanks Reply

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