
Practical Halachah: Kiddush

The Laws of Shabbat

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Practical Halachah: Kiddush: The Laws of Shabbat

Learn the laws and customs to properly perform the mitzvah of Kiddush on Shabbat, wherein we sanctify the holiest day of the week.
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Shabbat, Halacha, Kiddush

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Golda Brooklyn May 19, 2015

Thank you very much for the clarity and precision.. It is very important for so many people to heard these facts. Reply

Anonymous North Hollywood May 19, 2015

Thank you so much! Rabbi Shusterman is fantastic, everything so clear and organized. I hope shiurim such as this from him will be a regular feature. Reply

Anonymous May 19, 2015

very clear and concise. thank you. Reply

Anonymous May 19, 2015

lefty In the shiur you mention that the a lefty would pass from the left hand to the right and back to the left according to chabad custom, I have heard that a lefty picks up with the right in the middle of the cup and then places it down on his left hand as opposed to how the righty does it? Reply

Anonymous May 19, 2015

quesitons Thank you. If someone didn't go to shul, do the melachim still enter? If someone is not awake for the night kiddush, don't they make the nighttime kiddush at day instead of the daytime kiddush? On Yom Kippur, since we don't make kiddush to sanctify the Shabbos, are ladies yotzai with just lighting or do they have to daven Maariv with the mention of Shabbos? Is there a concept of others besides the one making kiddush to drink directly from the kiddusch cup? What is one supposed to look at when one says the brocho of the wine during kiddush - the wine or the candles? Is it better to sit for kiddush or stand up? Reply

Anonymous Morristown May 17, 2015

thank you! This was great. I'd love to hear all the topics mentioned in the comment above as well. I have questions on that all the time and would greatly benefit from knowing more. Reply

s May 14, 2015

Thank you for the shiur. Can you please disuss non-mevushal wine, times for saying kiddush, color of wine, women and minors making kiddush, making kiddush on bread, if one needs challah after kiddush? Reply

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