
Practical Halachah: Kiddush and the Meal

The Laws of Shabbat

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Practical Halachah: Kiddush and the Meal: The Laws of Shabbat

Learn the laws and customs to properly perform the mitzvah of Kiddush on Shabbat, for example covering the challah before Kiddush, the meal that must immediately follow kiddush, and reciting kiddush again for others.
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Shabbat, Halacha, Arvut, Two Loaves, The, Kiddush

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Malkie Janowski for Chabad.org Chabad.org September 18, 2016

As long as there are two complete loaves or rolls, you can add as any additional ones as you like. Reply

Letitia Teaneck September 17, 2016

more than 2 lechem mishneh Supposing one has many guests, can he put down more than 2 challah under the challah cover for the brocha. For example, 6 challah rolls, but only lift two and make the brochah on two challah rolls, for the six? Reply

Elimelech South Jersey May 28, 2015

Hearing Kiddush and eating Regarding hearing kiddush in shul and coming home to make kiddush with the family. What is the proper intention and manner to handle the situation in which one hears kiddush in shul, eats mezonos (perhaps shouldn't) and cholent, but has the intention to fulfill both his obligation of kiddush and b'makom seudah at home with his family?
In that situation is it better not to eat at all in shul? Thank you for these shiurim and the ones you have done on the other websites. Reply

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