
Intermediate Talmud: Lesson 29

Separate Meals, One Zimun

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Intermediate Talmud: Lesson 29: Separate Meals, One Zimun

What happens if three different people who ate alone in three different rooms want to later come together to make one group recitation of the Grace After Meals?
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Talmud, Berachot, Zimun

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1 Comment
Anonymous USA February 17, 2013

Talmud: Lesson 29 I do not understand. Would anybody use the concentrate of the grapes to wash their hand? And why could we not say a blessing for the grape concentrate (or paste), before diluting it in the water? Everything is G-d's given therefore, we need to give thanks, no? It only makes sense. Or am I confuse? Reply

Learn how to study Talmud line-by-line and word-by-word. In this intermediate level class you will learn to understand the unique give-and-take style of Talmudic argument. Text for this class is Chapter Seven of Tractate Brachot (folio 45a).
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