
Interpreting Talmudic Debate

How the Sages Derived Torah Law

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Interpreting Talmudic Debate: How the Sages Derived Torah Law

An explanation of how the Talmud operates and how halachic decisions are derived from the debates of the Sages. Presented by Dr. Kenneth M. Ehrenberg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Buffalo. Recorded at Chabad of Oxford University.
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Yehuda Jacobs Los Angeles, CA March 16, 2011

Reciting the Shema...Seeds of our faith ודברת בם. ומה.טעם.פתח.התורה.באות.ב'–.בראשית.–.ואילו.התורה.שבעל.פה.מתחילה. באות."מ".–.מאימתי.קורין.את.שמע. רמז.לכך.מצוי.בפסוק."ודברת.בם",.שדרשו.עליו.חז"ל. ...

A Jew is only commanded to perform one Mitzvah. That is to recite the Shema twice a day. In the Shema, we are commanded "V'deebarta BOM," where the letter bet of the word BOM is a remez (allusion) for the written law, as the Torah begins with the letter Bet, B'resheet. The letter Mem of "BOM" is a remez (allusion) for the oral law, as the oral law begins with the letter Mem in Me'ay'ma'tie.


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