
Parshah and Manuscript

Exploring a commentary of Rashi on the parsha, examining discrepancies between the printed version of Rashi and an ancient manuscript housed in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and offering possible explanation for the choice in the printed version.

Exploring various interpretations of the light created on the first day and how it differs from the luminaries created on the fourth day of creation, with special attention to Rashi’s commentary as illuminated in nuances found in the manuscripts.
A detailed analysis of the Torah status of the Patriarchs and the 12 Tribes. Were they merely in the category of Noahides with extra personal commitments or did they actually convert to be Jewish? Examining many pre-Sinai narratives, as well as the commentary of Rashi, as recorded in the manuscripts, sheds light on this query.
A closer look at the manner in which Abraham approached G-d to reconsider destroying the cities of Sodom. Examining the commentary of Rashi, as recorded in the manuscripts, sheds light on the narrative.
A closer look at the opening narrative in the Torah portion of Toldot about Isaac and his offspring—examining the differencing approaches in the commentaries, with special emphasis on Rash’s interpretation through the lens of the manuscripts.
The Torah portion begins with Jacob’s return to his father’s home, “And Jacob dwelt in the land of his father's sojourning…These are the generations of Jacob… Following a brief overview of the different interpretations in the commentaries on this verse, we focus on Rashi’s commentary, which explains with a parable of a pearl lost in the sand. When examining nuances in the manuscript, we can attempt to better understand the precise details employed in the parable.
The verse statses: “Pharaoh’s heart is heavy (kaved); he has refused to let the people out.” A closer look at the two interpretations of the word Kaved found in the commentaries, and the reason Rashi chose to translates it as ‘heavy’ (adjective), instead of ‘has become heavy’ (verb).
G-d tells Moses to instruct the people to take for Me an offering i.e. contributions towards building the Mishkan. Explore Rashi’s terse commentary on the words “take for me”, through the lens of the classic commentaries and variations in the manuscripts.
An examination of Rashi’s commentary on contributing a half shekel and a closer look at some discrepancies between our printed version of Rashi and an ancient manuscript housed in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
An analysis of Rashi’s second commentary in Parshat Pekudei, which addresses the repetition of the word Mishkan, and examining the nuances of the printed version in contrast to other manuscripts. (Based on Likkutei Sichot, vol. 11, pg. 175 and manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford)
Analysis of Rashi's first comment on the book of Leviticus – G-d calling Moses prior to speaking to him – through the lens of ancient manuscripts of Rashi.
Why were the sons of Aaron punished? What exactly was their sin? Rashi, as recorded in the Manuscrips, sheds light on this curious episode.
Analysis of Rashi's commentary on the ritual of the Red Heifer through the lens of ancient Hebrew manuscripts.
Why is the list of encampments repeated? Rashi seems to offer two different reasons; his choice of commentary is better understood upon analysis of six early manuscripts of Rashi.
Why the uncommon term for prayer for Moses’ appeal to G-d to allow him to enter the Land of Israel. Rashi, as recorded in the manuscripts, sheds light on the interpretation.
The Torah commands us against seeking out diviners, soothsayers and sorcerers. Rather, we should be “Tamim” (wholehearted) with G-d. Exploring the different interpretations of Tamim based on the commentary of Rashi through the prism of the variations in the manuscripts.
A closer look into Rashi’s commentary on the prohibition to borrow money with interest as elucidated through examining varying nuances in ancient manuscripts.
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