
Intermediate Talmud: Lesson 20

Structure of the Grace After Meals

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Intermediate Talmud: Lesson 20: Structure of the Grace After Meals

What is the order in which the paragraphs of the Grace After Meals must be recited? The Talmud discusses the structure of this lengthy blessing and also asks, parenthetically, how we know that we are also required to make blessings before eating as well.
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Blessing on Food, Talmud, Grace After Meals, Berachot, Zimun

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Max Cohen NJ April 30, 2023

Thank you very much! Really enjoyed the class, I learned a lot. Reply

hershel new york December 18, 2015

kal v chomer from bircat hamazon to blessing before you. the chol v chomer works like this: if we are obligated to bless Hashem after we have eaten and now satiated and we have no more of a desire to eat, all the more so should we bless when we are hungry and our desire to eat is very strong. Reply

Jewish.tv Editor Brooklyn December 17, 2012

To Anonymous, Rome At the bottom of the video player, you will see the words "MORE IN THIS PROGRAM." If you want to see any of the other episodes of this program, they are all right there. Just click on the episode you want to see. Once you are on the episode, just look right beneath the video player and you will see the words "Class Handouts." Click on that to download a PDF of the handout for that episode. Reply

Anonymous rome December 13, 2012

Birkat haMazon part 1 could I have the link to the previus class on Birkat haMazon and related handouts for that and this? Reply

Sigrid Haller Vienna, Austria December 12, 2012

When I stop asking G-d any questions, I get 1.000.000 answers and more I�ve never even dreamed of. (G-d " delivers" automatically, in a surprising and amazing way.) It�s acting by NOT acting. Reply

Learn how to study Talmud line-by-line and word-by-word. In this intermediate level class you will learn to understand the unique give-and-take style of Talmudic argument. Text for this class is Chapter Seven of Tractate Brachot (folio 45a).
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