
Connecting Purim and the Portion of Tetzaveh

Letters and Numbers of Torah - Tetzaveh

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Connecting Purim and the Portion of Tetzaveh: Letters and Numbers of Torah - Tetzaveh

Purim usually coincides with the week in which we read the Torah portion of Tetzave. To find the hidden connection between Purim and Tetzave, we examine the five times the word "Purim" is written in the Megillah and ask why three of those five times it is missing the letter vav.
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Purim, Parshah, Tetzaveh

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Robert Kalechman Simsbury CT February 5, 2014

Truth is our story in every generation Rabbi Reply

Anonymous Mesa, Arizona, USA March 2, 2012

Connecting Purim Thank you Rabbi Raskin for your teachings. I learnt a great lesson from it. Once thing for sure, when you said that a Jew is a Jew even when they do not believe. I have always been a believer, although raised in another religion, in my heart and soul I always knew that I was very connected to the G-d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Now I found out that my parents, and parents parents were Sephardim. My depression is gone!! I am where I belong in the spirit. Reply

Rabbi Raskin looks at the hidden meanings of the sizes and numerical values (gematria) of the Hebrew letters in the weekly Torah portion.
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