
Chassidic Discourse on Repentance - Lesson 15

Derech Mitzvosecha – Mitzvas Viduy u’Teshuvah

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Chassidic Discourse on Repentance - Lesson 15: Derech Mitzvosecha – Mitzvas Viduy u’Teshuvah

Derech Mitzvosecha 15  
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Maamar, Teshuvah

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Jack Baret Mississauga, ON June 9, 2011

Decor Hi Shais:

I love your lectures. They're very lucid, prolific and thought provoking. I have been following you and appreciate the way you pontificate and carefully cogitate on our relationship with Man, the world and God.
However and this may not be my place to criticize but can you add a plant or a portrait or draw something on the blackboard, pan to another part of the room; the students to get their expressions during questions; etc. This may apply to the other speakers as the presentation is too stark and ominous for such a great and esoteric subject matter. Thank and my G-d bless you. Jack Reply

Diane Hahn Milwaukee, WI June 2, 2011

Lesson 15 I almost felt you looking at me. Even though I have not heard all of the other repentence lessons, the lessons you have taught me,before, made it very easy to follow you. Where are you teaching this class? Reply

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