
Chassidic Discourse on Repentance - Lesson 5

Derech Mitzvosecha – Mitzvas Viduy u’Teshuvah

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Chassidic Discourse on Repentance - Lesson 5: Derech Mitzvosecha – Mitzvas Viduy u’Teshuvah

Derech Mitzvosecha 5  
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Maamar, Teshuvah

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Anonymous Toronto July 11, 2017

What does it mean to say the aleph beis of repentance? Is it a specific prayer that you are referring to? Reply

Anonymous July 13, 2017
in response to Anonymous:

The Ahashmnu Prayer is in Alphabetical order and is recited even by the righteous.

You can see the piece of liturgy in our virtual Siddur here: Chabad.org/Siddur Reply

Rabbi Shais Taub May 9, 2011

Re: ??? Why call it "karma" (a non-Jewish concept) when you can call it "cause and effect" (which is a law of the universe)? Reply

john smith fort lauderdale, fl May 8, 2011

??? i don't like the word but isn't what you were trying to describe what most would call karma? You create your own destiny by the actions that you take towards others.

i believe i live the sin which is the never ending cycle which goes along with the animal soul i have. Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn, NY March 27, 2011

Thank you! This class is so amazing and so important. thank you for explaining this maamer so clear and practical. Reply

Omer Ocando Punto Fijo, Venezuela March 15, 2011

Chassidic Discourse on Repentance - Lesson 5 That concept of Verbal Articulation is equivalent to action, as you do the action is very interesting.
Thanks Rabbi... Reply

Shais Taub Pittsburgh, PA March 14, 2011

Re: book On the title screen before each episode it says that this discourse is from the book Derech Mitzvosecha. In Lesson 1, I talk about the book and its author, the third Chabad rebbe.

You can buy your own copy of the book at the Kehot online store. Reply

Anonymous ABINGDON, VIRGINIA March 14, 2011

book I have been listening to your discourses on repentance. I need them so much. Thank you very much.

I would like to know the name of the book you are using? Reply

sondra MD March 11, 2011

Discourse of Repentance Excellent! I look forward to the next lesson. Reply

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