
Chassidic Discourse on Repentance - Lesson 1

Derech Mitzvosecha – Mitzvas Viduy u’Teshuvah

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Chassidic Discourse on Repentance - Lesson 1: Derech Mitzvosecha – Mitzvas Viduy u’Teshuvah

Derech Mitzvosecha 1  
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Maamar, Teshuvah

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Bethia October 28, 2016

Thank you so much for the hopeful lesson ,every i will found light in your teaching and sharing. Reply

Rena Goldzweig Tzfat October 11, 2015

I so appreciate your enlightening classes You make Chasidus come alive and make sense! One question on this series about teshuva. How does all this relate to a sin done accidentally. Is there only a sin-body and not soul? For he wasn't passionate about doing an aveira at all? Or does his misdirected passion become the sin's soul? Reply

chana eps Cedarhurst August 17, 2014

Thank you Rabbi Taub - the JLI Retreat was exceptional this year and i was inspired by your Sessions Reply

Michael Noble San Antonio, Texas August 24, 2013

Repentance This is so awesome. Thanks Rabbi. I enjoy thoroughly your teaching style, and the concepts you are presenting, it is all starting to make more sense to me and I am seeing the pieces better now with you lecture. I am so excited now that I have better knowledge and tools to succeed, where before I could not go on because I was stuck. Thank you again. Reply

Mr. Luther Phillips February 17, 2011

repentance As a result of my repentance, I elevated to a higher place. This came with asking for a key to lock the door. Ask and beleive and you will receive.

AMEN in the Kingdom of G-d Reply

Avraham ben Amram Visalia, CA February 17, 2011

Strength and Blessing! Thank you very much Rabbi. This teaching is paramount for the spiritual advancement of people who return to Judaism, like myself. I will be watching like a hawk for the remainder of the series.

Thank You! Reply

Anonymous Mesa, Arizona, USA February 12, 2011

Repentance Wonderful teaching Rabbi Taub. It is good to think that once we truly repent from our sins before our G-d, He is forever compasionate. To continue to sin is a betrayal. We must strive to live our lives as He commands us if we truly love him. This is so that we do not give satan a chance to accuse us before the Throne of Grace. If we love our Heavenly Father we will try to please him in all our doings for our benefits as well as for others. Reply

Michoel Dovid Morristown February 11, 2011

Can't Wait for the next One. Great class. I like that it was on the shorter side so it fits my schedule. Am looking forward to more on this maamer and hopefully other ones from Derech Mitzvosecha as well. Reply

Omer Ocando unto Fijo, Falcon/ VENEZUELA February 10, 2011

Excellent Perfect class. Very clear, easy to understand; very interesting; for sure I will watch it again.

Thanks Rabbi. Reply

Luther Phillips February 10, 2011

Repentance Complete Reply

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