
Chassidic Discourse on Repentance - Lesson 2

Derech Mitzvosecha – Mitzvas Viduy u’Teshuvah

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Chassidic Discourse on Repentance - Lesson 2: Derech Mitzvosecha – Mitzvas Viduy u’Teshuvah

Derech Mitzvosecha 2  
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Maamar, Teshuvah

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Janet Miami, FL February 24, 2011

Thank You! Rabbi Taub,
Bless you and bless you and bless you and bless you, may you be infinitely blessed. Thank you for simplifying such a complex concept to my simple mind. Bless your intelligence, knowledge and heartfelt intent to care to explain your knowledge with us. You make the delicacies of the soul so simple to understand and crave for more.
Thank you! Reply

Omer Ocando Punto Fijo, Falcon/ VENEZUELA 4102 February 17, 2011

Chasidic discourse on Repentance _ Lesson 2 Thanks a lot Rabbi Taub; it was a very profound class. Reply

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