For a long time this was my only link to any sort of Jewish community. I live in rural Texas, and the nearest synagogue is over eighty miles away. I am not religious, but your newsletter allows me to still learn a bit and to feel connected. What you do and what you provide to people like me is priceless. Thank you, and I pray for your continued success.
Jennifer V.
Mere words cannot express how much I depend on The Jewish Woman for inspiration, motivation, and living in general. When I read the stories of women who have children who are physically and mentally challenged, have suffered the loss of a loved one, and are struggling with other aspects of their lives, I realize that I am not alone, and everyone struggles with their own inner feelings and weaknesses. Although the problems of some of us may be very different than what is written, the struggles that we go through are the same. The method of coping is shared, and this can help other women overcome whatever problems they may face.
I read the stories and cry, laugh and smile. I, too, would someday want to write an inspirational piece for The Jewish Woman if there is ever a chance. I thank you very much for having such a wonderful place that Jewish women can relate to.
Isabel Mercado
I am so grateful for all the incredible Jewish women involved with this website. As the mother of three young children and the caregiver of my 78-year-old mother with Alzheimer’s, I am constantly seeking guidance, insight and comfort from you, and you always come through . . . I have laughed and cried with these articles for the last two years, and am lovingly reminded with every word that G‑d is with me at every moment of my happiness and suffering, and that the purpose for these things is much greater than me. I have been lovingly reminded that there are other women in the world who put my challenges all into perspective. May G‑d continue to bless and all the women involved.
Tiffany Mladinich
Two years already? Seems to me I’ve been enjoying the women’s site forever; I can’t imagine doing without the extra clever articles I encounter every day. Kol hakavod!!
Jacqueline Mohnblatt
It is difficult to clearly articulate what this website has meant for me. I am a working professional with a happy marriage. I have not yet been blessed with motherhood. What I am learning is that my faith and my spiritual practice are integral aspects of my person, though undervalued by many in my daily life. I have found shalom and health in your articles, and am thankful for the opportunity to connect to other women with such rich authenticity. With great respect and devotion, I celebrate this milestone with you.
Victoria Wilson
Your Jewish Woman site means a lot to me. To be united with other Jewish female souls in this virtual world makes me feel more Jewish, more confident and more spiritual.
Also important: to be able to share and read about feelings and thoughts makes me feel that I am not alone. Thank you very much.
First of all, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to publish the beautiful and enlightening articles that are sent to me each week. I know, to some extent, that at times it can be challenging, considering that you have to be really dedicated to do the kind of work that you do. Secondly, I’d like to send birthday wishes to the site, and hope that it will continue to grow and develop much more in the years to come.
I am a Kenyan lady aged twenty-five, and since I subscribed to the site, I have acquired so much knowledge and wisdom concerning the Jewish way of life, its customs, laws and beliefs. I always feel much closer to G‑d when I study the Torah, and your site has only done better to prepare me for my future life, should I be blessed to get married.
Most of the articles I have read carry the elements of love, wisdom, care, endurance, pain or suffering—but in the end, it all comes to one thing: G‑d is always there for us, always has been and always will be, no matter what happens. I thank you for getting to know Him better through your site. I’ve come to realize that what we all go through in life always has a purpose, be it good or bad, and the lessons learnt should serve only to make us better beings.
I am also thankful because when I’m feeling down, all I have to do is just read one of your articles, and lo! It's really amazing, because I usually end up feeling at peace in the end.
Though I don’t know you personally, I'm thankful that will still be there to guide me in living this life in the right way.
Yvonne Chao
Nairobi, Kenya
I love reading the life stories of other Jewish women. You all seem so close. Please continue. Good luck for times to come.
Amsterdam, Holland
I am so thankful that Chabad has a website just for the Jewish woman. I am a Jewish, Orthodox, a full-time working wife and mother of three children ages 11, 15 and 16. Nowhere before has there ever been so much relevant information geared to our community’s special needs and challenges. I can always find appropriate answers to the questions and issues that arise as I require a Jewish woman’s perspective. I feel that I am finally understood.
Shari Leyman
Just last year I found out about my Jewish roots, and began searching for more information. In the process, it led me to discover my Jewish heritage that I never knew existed. I had always felt so cheated not being Jewish, because the connection that a Jewish person has with G‑d, to me is a romance with G‑d. After finding my Jewish heritage, I felt even more cheated, as I was not raised a Jew and did not get to share in the beautiful connection with Him that a Jewish family shares. I also needed to know what the life of a Jewish woman should look like . . . and of course, that is where this site came into play. It has been a wealth of information for me, and has given me answers to many questions. I have been able to find information on the traditions; how to celebrate them; and so, so much more that I would have never begun to think of. So thank you very much for all the advice, information and love of each other to share this and help those of us who didn’t have the honor of growing up in a Jewish home to learn to prepare our own. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Wanda Scroggins
Midland, Texas
I remember the movie Yentl, where women were not allowed to read books, or anything else for that matter. Women have come a long way. We have pulled together to become wives, friends, mothers, doctors, presidents of companies; the list can go on and on. Just wanted to say congratulations to this site and many others that are dedicated to women all over the country and the world. Congratulations to for having this site for women, from the holidays and videos, to recipes, and, of course, to the shopping site.
Thank you to all for a job well done.
Aline Zeitoune
Happy Birthday! I live on a small settlement on the top of a mountain in Yesha, Israel, and look forward to the “magazine” each week. I love to print out the articles of interest and keep them in a special folder for Shabbat reading. The articles give me a lot of chizuk, and I also pass them on to friends who don’t have the opportunity to get to Jerusalem for classes too often.
Keep up the good work!
Nechama Mazo
Thanks for being you. There is a great need for websites dealing with Jewish women’s ideas and needs. As a widow for the past eighteen months, I was happy to find a website dealing with things that are bothering me now. It is a very hard time for me, going through this darkness of time. And it is very nice to see that there are women also going though the same problems. May you have a hundred birthdays, and may G‑d bless us all.
Debbi Rubin
This site has been a blessing beyond measure to me. I live in a very small country town. The nearest synagogue is almost sixty miles away. With access to this site, I can learn online. I can grow spiritually and I can feel connected to my faith even if far away from a congregation. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this site and all it contains. Many years of continued success to you.
Marie Banicky
I am not Jewish, I am a Mormon, but I am a woman, and I enjoy this site because our love for G‑d and one another is the same, and no matter what else our beliefs, we have this wonderful blessing of a common ground. I have been reading for a few weeks, and have learned much. My beginning reason for reading these articles was to try and understand the Jewish faith better, because I feel that without the history of the Jews, we’d not have Christianity either. I began to become involved with the stories on this site, and began to look forward to its coming, and now I read and enjoy with all of the same enthusiasm as anyone who loves G‑d. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy this with all of you.
Patty Fletcher
Thank you for your wonderful, divine website. I live in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. Since discovering your site last year, I am reading material posted on your site daily. This site is my inspiration daily, if I can afford the time to be reading here and learning.
I am Jewish by birth, but only later I discovered my roots. Unfortunately, I hardly grew up Jewish, as my grandmother passed away when I was little, but from the age of around six or seven years, I felt that deep pull to follow my Jewish roots. It took me nearly ten years to really get to understand the awesome heritage I have.
My grandmother used to call me little Sarah, even though it was not my name that my parents called me. She also called me Chabad . . . and today I have chosen that name legally, and even though I know it is the name of the organization, I feel very comfortable with this name. People often tell me it is a beautiful name.
I have shared the information from your site with many non-Jewish friends, and they love to hear me tell them about my learning from this website. I have shared this site with some of them.
Thank you for your wonderful contribution into my life and those of many other South Africans. The artwork on this site brings a lump to my throat. Each piece is so divinely inspired. I often just meditate awhile looking at the pictures.
Warmest wishes and blessings to you and all the other wonderful Jewish people I now have the pleasure to meet on your site.
Chabad de Jaeger
What does your website mean to mean? It’s a place where I can get uplifting and thoughtful articles. And I appreciate that feminism isn’t a dirty word on this website. I don’t always agree with everything I read here about women and men, but it is good to see seriously religious women define themselves as feminists.
Ilana Sobel
As I sort through the clutter in my inbox, I smile when I see the mailing. I save it (like the chocolate I keep in my pocket at work) for when I have a spare moment to indulge and/or need the lift that it always gives me. Happy Birthday, and keep up the inspirational work.
Yael Friedman
It is very comforting to realize how much of our inner world is shared by other Jewish women . . . and your writings, Sara Esther Crispe especially, underline that fact.
Shelley Minanel
When my mother passed away in August, I walked to the Fort Lauderdale Chabad House down the street from me, and visited there for the first time. A lovely woman named Gitta welcomed me, and invited me to come for the yizkor (remembrance) service and for all the High Holiday services. I was amazed that there were no tickets, and eventually memorialized my mother, as well as my father, with plaques at this synagogue. I gave Gitta my e‑mail address, and soon found pleasure in reading and educating myself, and passing the site on to my friends, who visited the synagogue with me to view the plaques for the first time. Being able to open my computer and read about Jewish history and current events, and find educational and creative writing at any time, is a gift and a blessing. At my own pace, in the privacy of my own home, I can learn and expand and find kindred spirits to my heart’s content. What a wonderful service you are providing. What a gift.
Louise Herman
Only slightly over a year ago did I begin to read, here and there, articles posted about The Jewish Woman. Those that meant a lot to me were articles about the mikvah, an article by a chassidic feminist, and an excellent article by a woman about being able while disabled. Oh, yes, articles related to holidays, etc., also interest me, but as a post-menopausal, long-time feminist woman with several “disabling” conditions, who only recently found and continues on reconnecting with my Jewish self after many years of willful and way-full wandering, I feel I need all the help I can get. And has been an informative way-stop for me.
Florence Lenhard
Thank you very much for this website! There is so much to learn about, and I am really happy about this opportunity you offer us, the readers.
Aura Gelehrter
I was born in El Salvador, and I have been living in the States for about thirteen years. I was not an observant Jew like other women in my family. But a newfound desire came about a couple of months ago, when I was browsing the site. I saw the link to the site and it piqued my interest. website was a breath of fresh air. It is the space where I develop a sense of closeness with other women, and I am very happy that you made it. I began to experience things about Torah and being feminine I thought I couldn’t possibly experience.
This website transformed my view on family, stress and career by living a Torah-centered lifestyle. I visit the website and get more than a little advice, but also a personal challenge to live higher no matter how many times I “blow off the wagon,” sort of speak.
I really enjoy the website, and I pray that the Holy One keeps enlightening your minds to inspire us to live higher in our daily life.
Suleyma Romero
Mazal tov to on celebrating their second birthday. Congratulations, strength and blessings to the many Jewish women who wrote so many beautiful articles.
I thank G‑d for giving me the privilege of reading and learning from the many experiences of these ladies. I have immensely enjoyed reading them, and it has enriched me spiritually very much. I have forwarded them to many of my contacts, and all were very thankful for it. Many are also Jewish and didn’t know about such beautiful things.
I pray and wish that with the help of the Almighty, you keep growing and enlightening us with all those pearls of wisdom.
Mercedes Dembo
Perth, Western Australia
I have truly enjoyed, and have especially enjoyed all of the spiritually uplifting articles, especially those that detail an individual woman’s personal and/or spiritual journey. I love the creative writing as well. is such an invaluable resource! Keep up the good work!
Lauren Tuchman
The Jewish Woman info has meant more to me than you will ever know. I am not Jewish (yet :)), but plan to convert when the time is right.
I am in a very difficult marriage with a man who suffers, despite treatment, from severe mental illness as well as “issues” from his childhood. For years, Christian writers, friends and family told me that I (in spite of my husband’s cruelty) was required to “work things out” and be a “Christian example.”
It was only after discovering Chabad (after studying the Jewish roots of the Christian faith for over 5 years) that I realized that he had broken the laws (numerous times), and that I had done everything reasonable to be a good wife. I have since distanced myself from the situation, and things are better at home, but the relationship is over. Had I grown up in a Jewish home, I would have never agonized over the decision to leave him, and could have started a new life years ago.
The Jewish Woman articles have given dignity to my role as a woman, and strength to know that I will not be “wrong” or “sinful” to eventually leave a relationship that has been so damaging.
It is for these reasons that I, when the time is right, will begin the conversion process to become a “Jewish Woman.” Words cannot express my gratitude.
Keep up the good work! It is a pleasure to receive in Durham, North Carolina!!
Zepporah Mushka Berger
The Jewish Woman is my window to Jewish women at large, providing insights in these times of spiritual growth and lessons, and wonderful stories.
All of the articles and poetry form a tapestry woven in my mind. Very keen interest is the result of being a single man that is a hermit—living in a remote canyon, deep in the Cascade Mountains of south Oregon, USA. To me, The Jewish Woman is “stepping out”—utilizing cyberspace instead of “going to town.” This enables a connection, as I may well be the only Jew in this area.
I like how the writers share their personal lives, many “wear their hearts on their sleeves,” providing a feeling of closeness, inviting interaction and mitzvah chances.
The writing is excellent. The site is beautiful in every way. Thank you!
Tone Lechtzier
I really enjoy and look forward to reading The Jewish Woman! The articles have made me laugh, cry, think, understand, debate and pray along with each author. Thank you!
Randi Anconina
I look forward to reading the articles (wish I had the time to read them all). I read what interests me and what I think I can identify with. I often get those “uh huh” moments—knowing that the writer has experienced what I have—and get the chills when reading their stories. I think how brave it is for these women to share with strangers.
I had forgotten about some of the traditions, etc., and am relearning them with such a feeling of pride. Thank you so very much for this site.
Arlene Peck
I love this site! The stories are truly inspirational, meaningful, and so easy for women to relate to! Please, keep up the good job!
Olga Kats
Thank you for creating The Jewish Woman. For me, living on a very rural island, it provides a connection to my previous way of living. My move to the Pacific West Coast from the established city of Montreal was necessary for my work as a writer, yet the isolation has also produced intense loneliness. A vague but pervasive sense of loss has enveloped me for the past four years. As a rural Jewish islander, I frequently feel cut off from patterns of living that had previously given shape and meaning to my existence. Through Chabad and The Jewish Woman, I am able to connect whenever I need to a lifeline that provides me with a great sense of comfort and familiarity. It provides a sound basis for my existence, and reminds me that I am not alone.
Ruthy Shalom
Well done, an easy-to-read and inspiring contribution! Many thanks and hatzlachah rabbah (good luck) for the next years!
Devorah Fabry
I so enjoy all the articles. I, being a Christian, have had such a great time reading about the lives of Jewish women and their issues and joys. You also project ideas that are great for all women. You have a wholesome site, and I always read each and every article. In fact, your site is the one I read most. Thanks, ladies, for all your efforts. You are raising the scale of life by just putting out good information in a dark, dark world. Again, I say a big thank you for all you do.
Diana Snider
To me, this website has been a source of information, guidance and comfort. The people on The Jewish Woman have all been so helpful, whether it is the editors (thank you, Sara Esther . . . ), or people whom I have met while “battling” my concerns. There really isn’t another forum where I would feel comfortable expressing my thoughts and reading (and actually believing what is said!) than The Jewish Woman. Thank you for being a lifesaver and heart-saver. My heartache hasn’t yet subsided, but thanks to a lot of concerned and very caring individuals, I am able to cope and go on with my life, and hopefully I’ll be able to share good news with all, someday, really soon.
Take care, and again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Carmen Churchill
The Jewish Woman has really meant a lot to me, particularly with articles concerning relationships, dating, etc. Keep up the good work!
Laura Meriwether
I love receiving The Jewish Woman updates in my e‑mail inbox. It is a constant reminder to always be learning, and provides relevant, inspiring stories and articles for that purpose.
Jenn Chernin
I was raised in a “Conservadox” home. We kept kosher, studied the Bible, and my father and brothers read from the siddur and recited prayers daily. My brothers went to Hebrew school five days a week. But my sister, mother and I were involved with “being Jewish” only on Shabbat and during the festivals. It was never a significant way of life. I was brought up to feel second best when it came to my Judaism, because I’m a woman.
But The Jewish Woman has given me an ever-expanding foundation for my own faith. Not on the basis of my father, brothers, or any male relative, but on the basis of my own blossoming love for my faith and my Creator. The various articles are relevant to me, not just “any Jew” (namely males). I am constantly worried about how to be a good mother and what to do with various friends; the rabbi even answered a question for me that helped me choose who not to date. I worry, as a single mom (widow), if I am teaching my family correctly, or enough. Chabad and The Jewish Woman have helped me immensely with detail, reassurance, topics for conversations, news, audio classes, and even cute cartoons for children.
They say it takes a village to raise a child; I’m just glad that my village includes The Jewish Woman. So Happy birthday, May there be many more, and thank you.
“Atty” Atsiylah G.
Kol hakavod (congratulations) to you on this amazing site. The Jewish Woman site always inspires, encourages and strengthens. It seems that no matter what I most need to hear, I can find it on your site. Featuring articles that make one laugh, cry, sigh and nod one’s head in agreement, the depth and perceptiveness of the articles hits the heart. Thank you for all the chizuk (strength), and may you go from strength to strength.
Jerusalem, Israel
In response to the twenty-fourth month of The Jewish Woman, I would like to thank you for all the efforts and attention that has been raised to attend the needs of all the Jewish women around the world. As I became more interested in our religion, I found the website, which led me to much happiness. I would like to thank for this amazing and inspiring website. Every text I read, every video I watch, every audio I listen to brings me so much knowledge, and I don’t even know how to thank Chabad for the wonderful job all of you are doing.
From Herzliya, Israel
I love! There are so many helpful and inspiring articles that the site has. There are so many issues that I’m grappling with as a Jew that the site addresses.
I liked, for example, the letter written by one Jewish sister to another who was considering intermarriage. Not only did I agree with her, but I sent my “two cents” in on the subject, and I enjoyed reading the other responses as well.
(Men don’t know everything!)
Tina Fiedler
I am so thankful for for many reasons. The articles somehow seem to address things that go straight to my heart. I like to send them to my friends and share them, in hope that they will inspire/help them as much as they have inspired/helped me. I believe life comes in stages, and articles from have helped me through current issues and prepared me for ones to come. So, thank you again, and keep up the good work!
Lindsay Stroia
St. Francis, MN
Mazel tov on two years of outstanding service to your worldwide readership. I am obviously a man, but am nevertheless touched by the personal stories of these wonderful women writers who write from their hearts and courageously share their stories with your loyal readership. I can only tell you that, personally, the stories I have read have given me great strength and blessing. May you and your writers continue to grow from strength to strength, and may each writer realize her worth in the world’s repairing and healing itself through their personal writings and hardships.
Ed Olshansky
The Jewish Woman means a great deal to me in many ways. I have been living on my own for many years, and don’t have that religious foundation found in most Jewish homes. Being that I am very observant, this site has helped me with additional questions I have had during my life. I have learned more about what is expected of me as a Jewish woman, and I have learned how other women feel about certain topics. I have also learned the value of my dedication by the numerous times I would come back to the website in order to look things up. During certain women’s lectures, I would be able to reiterate teachings and beliefs that I have read from this site. I am one of those people who has my rabbi on speed dial, so if I have any questions or concerns, I just ask him; but I can say that in the middle of the night, when I have had other things on my mind, I felt this website was just as helpful. Learning never ends, Jews learn every moment of every day, and I think a website like this reinforces learning that takes place at home. Like I stated—I have spent many late nights looking up useful information on this site. I am very thankful to have such a site, and I hope for its continued success.
Amelia Broda
The Jewish Woman is an amazing website. I just discovered it about three months ago. I find the articles to be inspirational. I’ve learned so much and received an unbelievable amount of encouragement from your writers. I go to the website almost daily to check for updates and new posts. Keep up the good work!
Polly Greenbaum
I am a Roman Catholic, not a Jewish woman, but I’ve been subscribed to for two years now. I love the messages of your writing. It helped me a lot in dealing with things from simple problems to bigger ones, and allows me to really understand my essence as a woman, a being, and all else . . . It helps me to discover the purpose of my existence.
Merla Abad
I found your list through an online group having nothing to do with religion, but loved the quotes that were shared from it. I am not Jewish, but I have learned so much from the insightful articles, the historical background pieces about which I knew so little. They have inspired me to dig deeper and understand more. Each time I see the newsletter arrive in my inbox, I take a deep sigh of relaxation, open and enjoy. Thank you!
Carol Herbin
This site and this “section” of the site has been a great blessing to me! I travel all over the country, with offices on both coasts, and being able to learn more about my heritage and the practices and observances in a non-judgmental way, on a Blackberry, in an airplane, in a hotel room, or between meetings has been a great blessing in helping me feel closer to G‑d, and also understanding my role as a woman. There has been no one to guide me and show me the way, as many of my female relatives are gone.
Mazel tov on a great job, and keep it up! The cyber-world is a real and critical way to keep in touch and bring us all closer to each other.
Gwen Baker
You have been a blessing to me. I chose to be Jewish (converted), and I am still learning . . . That will never stop, I’m sure. I enjoy the moments in my day when I read a story or a recipe that has so much love and history behind it.
Bari Snow
I learn so much from your site. I am not Orthodox, though very traditional, but my business is in a community that is surrounded by Chabad Houses. The information I garner from other women helps me connect with the women of this community. The articles are informative, emotional and often help with situations in my own life.
Thank you for giving us a forum.
Judith Ginsberg
Your site provided me with a deep and good insight into the Orthodox Jewish women’s nature.
I love everything about the website. I am especially hooked on the parenting articles . . . mothering, nurturing. These topics are dealt with in such an honest and sensitive way. I also receive chizuk and inspiration from other women’s stories of struggle and triumph. Thank you for sharing and creating an open forum for growth-oriented, strong Jewish women!
Cheryl Nayowitz
Thanks to the site. At least I can browse the web and read something useful, thoughtful, interesting, inspiring, uplifting . . . Thanks for a great site, and keep the excellent writers connected to us.
Tzvia Goldberger
Johannesburg, South Africa
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