Vayeira Videos
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The Reward for Abraham’s Humility
When Abraham entreats G-d to spare Sodom and Gomorrah, he prefaces his request with the acknowledgment that he is but dust and ashes. In reward for his humility, two unique mitzvahs are granted by G-d to his descendants, the Children of Israel. This class will explore the connection between these particular mitzvahs and Avraham's humility, revealing the inspiring message contained therein. (Likutei Sichos vol. 25)
This class is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Shmuel Azimov, of blessed memory.
Almost incidental of a primary biblical narrative, in what might be termed a moment of “divine candor,” G-d “drops the curtain” sharing the secret of why he so loves Abraham. It seems reasonable to say that the importance of this verse cannot be overstated – as it's nothing short of an extraordinarily revealing statement by our Creator about how to best nurture our relationship with Him. And in turn, we can learn how to best cultivate and maintain our personal relationships as well!
Does the Torah allude to today’s chilling current events?
Parshat Vayeira contains a curious narrative about a huge ball held to celebrate Isaac’s coming-of-age. An exploration of this event, via little-known, yet trusted sources, lays bare fascinating details—as the investigation segues into secret bible codes that seem to compellingly allude to the present day Iranian showdown with Israel.
Parsha Curiosities: Vayeira
Isaac's baby bash attracts some pretty rude guests and crude comments. In trying to understand the irreverent behavior of an oversized world leader, a surprising narrative emerges in a remarkable true story of the Biblical origin of the proverbial rocking cradle and accompanying lullabies. In developing this unusual thesis about the foundational essence of a Torah education; a variety of fascinating facts, figures and fetishes are picked up along the way.
The opening narrative of Abraham's hospitality is punctuated with repetitive descriptions of great haste. Rather than incidental, these details emerge as a compelling pattern – but the actual messaging isn't obvious. What exactly is the Torah trying to tell us?! This investigation of our founding father’s famous hospitality ultimately provides incredible insight into the inner workings of Abraham's kindness – ultimately guiding and illuminating our own Jewish ethos of sharing and caring today.
Sarah, the first Jewish mother, is a shining example of the great power that every woman has over her family and our entire nation. It was Sarah who insisted that Isaac, not Ishmael, continue Abraham’s progeny. It was she who raised Isaac in his formative years, instilling within him the fortitude to stand up to all tests, and to become the second Patriarch of the Jewish People.
Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve micromanaged someone? When we can’t trust, it frustrates those we work with, and limits ourselves. We can train ourselves to trust others, step by step, and how with appropriate trusting we can accomplish things that seem impossible. Learn how developing greater trust can expand your life.
Fascinating and current commentary on a much misunderstood and tragic biblical figure. See how the Torah's narrative of Abraham's wayward nephew and his well-intentioned, yet misguided daughters can provide us with moral clarity and guidance in our modern age of mistaken confusion and willful obfuscation.
The Destruction of Sodom and Amora
Ch. 18, verse 26 – Ch. 19, verse 11: Continues with Avraham’s impassioned plea to Hashem on behalf of the people of Sodom. The chapter ends with him accepting G-d's decision and returning to his place. Chapter 18 begins with the angels coming to Sodom and being invited to the home of Lot. While they are there the people of the city surround his house and demand that he give his guests to them for immoral purposes. Lot goes out and tries to reasson with them but to no avail. He is pulled back into the house by the angels who proceed to blind all the people who are surrounding his house.
Avraham’s Second Descent to Egypt
Ch. 19, verse 1 – Ch. 20, verse 6: Avraham and Sarah go to Gerar, where he experiences another of his ten tests. Sarah is abducted by Avimelech the king of Gerar. The king is warned by Hashem to release her. His whole household is plagued because of her. The king releases her with lavish gifts. Avraham prays for him, and then he and his household are cured. Chapter 20 begins with Hsshem remembering Sarah and she gives birth to Yitzchok. Avraham who is one hundred years old, circumcises him on the eighth day of his birth and names him Yitzchok.
Today, many have achieved extraordinary material success unimaginable in times prior and have generously shared their gifts to help those in need. What compels them to distribute so much of their personal income? What causes people -- of any level of affluence -- to give away their hard-earned money?
In a culture of “live and let live” you might convince yourself that another person’s religious commitments are none of your business. But ask yourself what you’d do if you truly cared about your fellow’s welfare. And why should someone’s spiritual needs be any less important than their physical needs.
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