
Why No Meat and Wine in the “Nine Days”

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Why No Meat and Wine in the “Nine Days”

The rhyme and reason behind the well established pre-Tisha B’Av ban on meat and wine is surprisingly vague and inconclusive – especially as Talmudic sources say nothing of the sort, and the tradition doesn't jibe with general mourning and bereavement practices! Tracing the generational evolution of the Halachik documentation provides us subtle hints that can lead us towards a fresh understanding of these dining limitations – allowing us to appreciate the jurisprudence behind the Ashkenazic and Sephardic applications of this kindred prohibition.
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Halacha, Minhag, Nine Days, The

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Malka Forshner Estero, Florida August 5, 2019

A great shiur, and by the way, it's called "warping" the loom, when you "load it up" with the lengthwise threads/yard. Then the actually weaving, is going "in and out" with the weft threads/yarn, the width of the fabric being woven. Reply

George H Waters Derby August 2, 2019

As always, Rabbi Kaplan offers real good insight and perspective, and especially here with this particular topic, which I deeply appreciate and fully embrace.
Thank you so much, as I listen and watch your teachings daily :) Reply

Rivka Frankel Gateshead England August 5, 2019
in response to George H Waters:

Me too . Amen to that..
Thank you Rabbi Kaplan. Reply

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