The Day of Eternal Sabbath
Living Torah
The Day of Eternal SabbathIt is customary to hold a Siyum each day of the nine days, to diminish the sorrow of exile through the joy of Torah. Watch the Rebbe conclude Tractate Tamid on Rosh Chodesh Av.
The Day of Eternal Sabbath
Disc 77, Program 305
Event Date: 1 Av 5749 - August 02, 1989
It is Chabad custom to celebrate the completion of a Tractate of Mishna or Talmud each day between Rosh Chodesh Av and Tisha B’av. Even on the day of Tisha B’av itself, a Tractate should be concluded, albeit without a celebratory meal. The last passage in Talmud Tractate Tamid enumerates the psalms that were sung each day of the week in the Holy Temple. The “Song for the Sabbath Day” is unique in that it not only speaks about Shabbos, but also alludes to the Era of Moshiach, “The Day of Eternal Sabbath” – for it is through our divine service over the Six Millennia of the world’s existence that we will merit the Seventh Millennium of “Eternal Sabbath.” |
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