
Let’s Settle This Now

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Let’s Settle This Now

Abraham’s arrival in the land of Canaan immediately engenders prophetic promises of progeny and future possession of this land. Following his Egyptian detour, resultant wealth and family feuds; we return to the original narrative. The promise is reiterated, yet much changes. Surprisingly, Abraham doesn't seem to obey instructions. Amazing details emerge, offering a dazzling new appreciation for the holy city of Chevron; as a fascinating narrative of the dead who return completes this exquisite presentation.
Hebron, Israel, Lech-Lecha

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deana minchau Cote Saint Luc,Montreal October 27, 2018

Thank You so very much you make it so clear Reply

Devorah Mei Snidecor South Ramat Golan October 21, 2018

Would you please tell me how and when Avraham and Noach met if the entire world was destroyed...I don't get the picture. Reply

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