
A Mystical View on Conception and Birth

Life’s journeys through the lens of kabbalah

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A Mystical View on Conception and Birth: Life’s journeys through the lens of kabbalah

The moment of conception is powerful. How parents’ thoughts and actions can affect the “garments” of their child’s soul.
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Birth, Conception & Pregnancy

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1 Comment
Lia Australia June 10, 2020

When you asked the question about when the life of a child begins I remembered when I was dating my husband-to-be. I had decided on a name for my first child, and when I asked him if he liked the name, he told me it was the same name as his father. In his tradition, they always name the grandchild after one of the grandparents (living or deceased). My husband also has the same name as his grandfather. I felt as though the soul of our son was making himself known to us, even before our engagement. Later we were married and we did indeed have a boy, who is beautiful in every way. Reply

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