
The Birthday Campaign – Part 1

25 Adar, 5748 • March 14, 1988

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The Birthday Campaign – Part 1: 25 Adar, 5748 • March 14, 1988

My father-in-law, the Rebbe, taught that a birthday is a time for introspection – to take the purpose of one’s life to heart and make resolutions for the future. It is a most propitious time, for on one’s birthday his ‘Mazel’ – his ‘fortune,’ radiates with extra strength.
Birthday, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Birthday Campaign – Part 1
25 Adar, 5748 • March 14, 1988
Disc 33, Program 131

Event Date: 25 Adar 5748 - March 14, 1988

My father-in-law, the Rebbe, taught that a birthday is a time for introspection – to take the purpose of one’s life to heart and make resolutions for the future. It is a most propitious time, for on one’s birthday his ‘Mazel’ – his ‘fortune,’ radiates with extra strength.

On one’s birthday he should get together with friends and discuss the meaning of the occasion – that becoming a year older means he is growing in his closeness to G-d. And when a child is old enough, this should be explained to him too, in words that he can comprehend.

Some may object that this was never done before, but clearly, there are more negative influences and events in the world now, so for our part, we must increase in holiness. In fact, the only reason the negative exists in the first place, is to cause a greater increase in holiness and goodness.

Living Torah

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Motti Jacobson Des Moines November 16, 2022

Did the Rebbe ever mention about celebrating an English Birthday? Reply

Eliezer Zalmanov for Chabad.org November 16, 2022
in response to Motti Jacobson:

I do not believe he did. Reply

Douglas Brazil January 16, 2023
in response to Eliezer Zalmanov:

Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov


I am a Noahide.
Even though this campaign was "Jewish for the Jews", the moral aspects, and the universal spiritual aspects of a birthday certainly apply to us non-Jews, right? Reply

Levi zehavi Fl August 15, 2024
in response to Douglas:

Yes becoming closer to God is for non Jews to and a birthday gives you the power to do so Reply

SOS ROCKS!! The computer March 1, 2019

Shayna Johnson We watched this in class! wow Reply

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