
Claiming Our Jewish Inheritance

The Twelve Steps: Lesson 1, "Torah Tzivah"

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Claiming Our Jewish Inheritance : The Twelve Steps: Lesson 1, "Torah Tzivah"

The twelve Torah passages (known as the 12 Pesukim) present the Torah’s fundamental ideas empowering us with the spiritual strength needed to face the current challenges in life. The first step is the verse “Torah Tzivah” (“The Torah that Moshe commanded us is the heritage of the congregation of Jacob”). Discover how this passage offers relevancy of our timeless Torah tradition today!
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Torah, Twelve Torah Passages

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Anonymous Flushing, NY October 19, 2016

A hug for you Anonymous! Huggggz! Reply

Anonymous Fla. October 8, 2016

True Inheretance Hi Anonymous!
We have something in common- a discovery of our Jewish identity after the passing of our Fathers. My Dad passed away a few years ago, and he did leave a beautiful & detailed will in which his intentions were clear that he wanted his antique business, (which he had inherited from his father) and all else he owned, to be equally divided between my brother & I... The only problem was, that he first left it all to my mother who survived him and my brother convinced her that it all should be his, leaving nothing for me. My mom in grief & confusion went along with my brother and I fell into depression. My family was/is Jewish, but anti- religion so I never knew about anything Jewish... Last year at Rosh Hashanah, I discovered Judaism, and the power in forgiveness. The resentment towards my mom & brother was hurting me and the discovery of Jewish wisdom helped me immensely to come to terms with some of these issues. One year later, I am starting to see my true inheritance. Reply

Anonymous USA September 20, 2016

Beautifu and true! It was right after my father (who was extremely well-healed) left this world without devising anything for his blood children that I figured out what my genetic report contained. The emotional pain of being left out of the will for no reason by a father who always told me he loved/appreciated me and mother's abandonment was immediately healed when I realized what my true inheritance was. I felt I stumbled across the greatest treasure. I have not stopped thanking G-d for having me get the test done years before.(A whim!) The test results sat there for about 4 years before I picked them up one lonely day to re-examined the smaller numbers! My L-rd knows how to prepare and time things. It felt like G-d gave me the biggest hug that soothed my poor heart and allowed me to be genuinely of good peaceful spirit before those who expected I would be broken. I love my L-rd. I know I am a Jew. I won't let go of my most valuable inheritance. That's an inheritance no one can frustrate or control. Reply

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