
Soaring Souls in Flight to Freedom

The Twelve Steps: Lesson 3, "Bechol Dor"

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Soaring Souls in Flight to Freedom: The Twelve Steps: Lesson 3, "Bechol Dor"

The third passage is “In every generation one must look upon himself as if he personally had gone out of Egypt.” This enigmatic quote from the Talmud is about observing the Passover Seder and seems to be a far cry from an overarching principle of Judaism. Yet as the layers are peeled away and the deeper meaning and relevance of our Exodus from Egypt is revealed, this Rabbinic teaching emerges as the most magnificent and meaningful description of dynamic Jewish life imaginable! Discover how its profound mystical message of transcending personal constraints richly encapsulates the essence of Yiddishkeit!
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Telling the Story of Exodus, Twelve Torah Passages, Exodus

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Jenny Florida October 11, 2016

Fantastic! Reply