
A Vision for the Ages

The Haftorah of Shavuot

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A Vision for the Ages: The Haftorah of Shavuot

Why Ezekiel’s vision of the “divine chariot” is the chosen haftorah reading on Shavuos, when it would appear that other scriptural passages that refer directly to the giving of the Torah would make a more appropriate choice, inasmuch as Ezekiel makes no such reference at all! (Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 33, p. 18.)
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Ezekiel, Haftarah, חג השבועות - א, Merkavah, Shavuot

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Rita Forbes MD May 30, 2017

To: Rabbi New

I express my most humbliest appreciation for delivering the message, "A Vision for the Ages;" The Haftorah of Shavout. This evening I needed to express the depth of my love to G-d in a very meaningful act of worship and hearing your message brought revelation I had considered for many years without understanding; some old, much new knowledge. This evening you opened the eyes of my soul thus enabling me to release, renew, and connect to our G-d withholding nothing.

Thank you. Reply

Anonymous Texas June 18, 2016

Thank you. You just made my life better. Reply

Robert Palczewski Defiance, OH June 10, 2016

I enjoyed your teach today Reply

Yochanan Schreurs The Netherlands May 18, 2015

Rabbi Moishe New is the right person on the right place!

Excellent explanations Reply

Jim Alabama June 2, 2014

Thank you for your teaching. Reply

Anonymous June 1, 2014

if all is a reflection of the divine how does evil fit into this picture?? Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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