
Purim and the Letter “Mem”

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Purim and the Letter "Mem"

The four special mitzvahs of Purim all start with the letter “mem”: 1) Megillah, 2) Mishloach manot (sending food gifts to friends), 3) Matanot la’evyonim (charity to the poor), and 4) Mishteh (a festive meal). What is the deeper significance of this connection?
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Mem, Purim

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Pamela Newfoundland March 16, 2022

Can you please explain why I am seeing this word for Purim in Hebrew? מֻּרִים..... and not just spelled with a Pey? Why is the Mem here at the beginning? Thank you so much for your videos and teaching. Reply

Anonymous March 18, 2016

where is the verse in nechemya can't find the verse in nechemya ? Reply

Mikhaelah Toronto March 6, 2015

Barukh HaShem Deeply thankful for this teaching. It brought clarity and healing. Reply

T. Gutwein Brooklyn, NY March 4, 2015

Thank You Thank You. Clear and inspiring. So so informative and motivating. Reply

igor bartolic March 3, 2015

Hashem blessYou all.Happy Purim. Reply

Anonymous Kansas city March 5, 2013

will we do excatly what i'm studying today-?thank you~ Reply

Anonymous February 24, 2013

Amazingly beautiful - brought me to tears. This week I prayed for Purim to be personal for me this year - deeply meaningful. Prayer answered through the wonderful discovery of my experiences and analysis of them through the lens of this revelatory teaching. Hokhmah & Binah kiss. Reply

Anonymous February 22, 2013

todah rabah niflah! Reply

Anonymous USA February 14, 2013

Awesome!! Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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