
Rabbi Gordon - Bo: 3rd Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - Bo: 3rd Portion

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Bo, Parshah

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Rabbi Yehoshua Gordon Encino ca January 20, 2015

Each plague lasted about a week. With three weeks in between. Perhaps I said or meant to say they lasted a year altogether. Reply

Etta Blema Jerusalem January 20, 2015

How Long did each Plague last? Dear Rabbi,

Last weejk, you stated that each plague lasted one year....

So, if Moshe was 80 when he came to lead the people out of Egypt; and they were in the
desert for 40 yrs..That w/have made him 130 yrs at the time of his death. Don't we learn that he lived until 120...??

Chodesh Tov,

Etta Blema Reply

Anonymous Paris, France January 18, 2013

The 10th Plague Someone once told me that the 10th plague was pharaoh's own spoken words aimed at the Jews turned by Ha.Shem against the first born of Egypt. Since you did not mention this in your class, I was wondering if you could elaborate on that which I heard? Thank You! Reply

didier raymond saint martin January 15, 2013

our own blessings Baruch Hashem va Shalom Rabbi Gordon...
When you said we could make our own blessing, did you mean from the words of the Tanach or Halachicly from our own words? Reply

Study the daily Chumash with Rashi, Tanya and Rambam with master teacher Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon.
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