
G-d's Modesty

Why is the after-life never once mentioned in the Torah?

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G-d's Modesty: Why is the after-life never once mentioned in the Torah?

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Mr. michael chelnokov October 27, 2011

spirituality and mysticism i believe that everyone should have a closer connection to god and the world will eventually share the same connection with you Reply

Ms. Julie Lauderback January 10, 2010

G-d's Modesty Thank you so much for helping me to understand what humility is. I had a Kosher conversion in September 2009 and this site is helping me to grow as a Jew. Reply

Anonymous Buffalo, New York January 10, 2010

Very deep, very profound - thank you Beautful, explicated beautifully... Gan Eden is here... I am a reformed Jew practing Zen Buddhism because my mother is not Jewish, this saddens me... To touch the face of G-d seems the only reason we are here... Reply

Anonymous December 4, 2009

audio classes thank you very much for the classes super Reply

A series of video classes that expound upon mystical themes from the classic Chassidic work of Tanya.