Exactly, God is ALL about relationship. You are correct, there is no cover to communicate with Him! The curtain was torn! The greatest act of love. Amen! You are right, we don’t need a commandment to believe in God but to love God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our might. However, it is still totally voluntary. He doesn’t want a little bit of us but ALL of us! Wow, what an awesome God who would want us at all. Who are we? Reply
Study of the Soul Respectfully Rabbi,Abraham, was drawn by the essence of HaShem to the truth. How? why? And these answers are what you are teaching, however, without the basic knowledge of Torah it will be very difficult for people to begin to grasp the understanding of the soul, it's relationship to; the immediate environment, world, universe, what is beyond our known universe and ultimately the true creator, HaShem.This I feel is what the Jewish Nation has very special about them, through the study of the Torah we are developing the intellect and wisdom this becomes a continuum of life through Mitvos, by keeping the teaching consistent, as it was meant to be.Basic Psychology only covers the deviant path and the consequences, which is not so easy to unravel when a whole nations, with their own truth, are all steered by the deviance of their own beliefs.Thank you for this series Reply
Nothing to Hide Nothing to hide means to me that there is no way to run away from the law, especially to a foreign country. This is why nowadays the telegraphing companies that law enforcement agencies use telegraph with other law enforcement agencies worldwide. This even includes Interpol as well that they even do or would telegraph through. Reply
Physics and Some Other Things With It Some of the things, it still is best to have knowledge or some knowledge of math and especially algebra as well. Reply
Noahide Laws I'm plugging in! Reply
The Great Cover-Up Beloved Rabbi Ben-Tzion..........I listen to you speak every day - may G-ds light continue to shine through you!!You are in New York, I am in China - yet every day, your words and enlightenment, your wisdom and your truth - bring me closer to G-d. My G-d. Our G-d. The "One" in which we all exist for all eternity. May G-d Bless you, and keep you filled to overflowing, as are our Shabbos wineglasses, with His most Holy Presence! Reply
Nothing exists beside God I love to listen to your shiurim. And the more I listen to them, the more I like them, because they are the truth.I understand, that I am a part of Gods thought.He wants me to live and I live.But I am not young any more. My brain loses cells and neurons, and I realize myself, that it is not the same brain G-d gave me once. It is diminishing. But when G-d is everything, he always stays the same. There can't be something like diminishing. It does not suit Him. Nevertheless I am sure that our neshamot stay the same. And that is the part of us which will get to Him, Baruch Hu, in the end. And you can't imagine, how blessed I feel, that my neshama is Jewish!!!!!!!!!I was not always Jewish, born in Germany, No way did I deserve it, to be Jewish one day, able to listen to your lectures, understand them and be happy about the things you mention, and I share the pride and gladness, that we are all His chosen children. Thanks to you who talks about G-d in the way you do. Reply
The Great Cover up The Higher Level of Unity Each time I watch one of the programs from the topic "The Psychology of the Soul," I think this one is the best. Today when I watched until the close I heart Rabbi Ben - is my brief name for him - I heard him say the words ... we are created in the image of God...and that the Divine Spark ...the Chosen People are asked to help 6 billion gentiles become Righteous....I am again grateful for these lessons.Nothing really exists except God is a concept that is both difficult and simple. Thank you for the joy you have when you talk on these subjects.I so wish NBC and CBS and FOX would run these programs without commercials to the billions of Americans who are walking around empty and without the common sense to believe and read even the psalms and any of the Holy Scripture. Reply
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