
Studying Torah

Merging the Finite and the Infinite

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Studying Torah: Merging the Finite and the Infinite

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Torah Study

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Anonymous June 14, 2016

Rav Ben-Tzion Krasnianski,HaShem bless You and Chabad.Amen. Reply

kenneth olen smith Denison, Texas June 4, 2016

A blessing from the One G_d of Jacob Torah study by Ben- Tzion krasnianski, "Todah Raba for your wonderful lesson on Torah study, the more I read the more I want to read Torah. The Rabbis of the world are in our days teaching the nations with the Divine Hebrew Scriptures, the L_rd said this would happen. Reply

Anonymous North Miami Beach May 19, 2016

Diviine This is the most delightfully yesod comprehension of chayot. Reply

Anonymous NYC January 8, 2016

The Music The music is "The Four Kinds Market" by Nathaniel Mechaly from the movie "Ushpizin". Reply

Jack Lee San Diego, CA December 21, 2015

Music in the video?? What is that song played in the beginning and at the end of the video? It's pretty catchy! The Zohar is what got me hooked into engaging in the study of Torah! Reply

amichai st.cloud MN October 23, 2014

Praise!! I love Chabad Rabbis!! Each and every one of them have a different voice, yet the wisdom and the way they approach such topics is uniquely personal.
I could listen to this man all day. Although I doubt I could afford such a gift!! That's why it's important to donate to Chabad...so that this wisdom can reach ALL of us.
(I hear the Yeshiva bus coming, I gotta go, more later!) Reply

Adam Mary Windsor August 3, 2012

Night Study It is good to study at night because your mind sorts out, incorporates, and establishes the things you think of most just before bed and therefore if it is Worship of G-d and his Love then that will become the dominate thoughts in your life. it is proveable by science today via neuro genesis and plasiticity of physiological foundations and expressions of thought. Thanks praise glory to G-d. Reply

Chaiya Sheffe Barrie, Canada March 7, 2012

Torah Study What an infinite blessing to have access to such learning. I live in a small city with no Jewish community and without any real Synagogue. So, I rely on distance learning; I am newly observant, about 2.5 years. Chabad.org has made an immense difference in my life in that I find so many videos etc. of useful, understandable learning that has not been neither "dumbed down" nor presented in a manner that glorifies the brilliance of the teacher. Baruch HaShem! Todah . . . . Reply

Ben Tzion Krasnianski NYC, NY January 20, 2012

response to Pauline Dear Pauline,

In chapter 28 of Tanya the Alter Rebbe addresses this very issue. He writes that far from being discouraged, the fact that the opposition stirs to life, this is the best sign that you must be doing something right!

Please see this link for the lesson: http://www.chabad.org/1109170 -- listen and enjoy.

With blessings for lots of success on your journey,


Ed New York, NY November 28, 2011

Joy of the Torah I'm a practicing Catholic with a love for the reading of Sacred Scripture, and so I'm impressed with both the Rabbi's content--the ideas he's sharing--but also with the joy he undoubtedly has for the Living Word. I enjoyed the video program very much. Reply

Pauline Phoenix, Arizona October 19, 2011

Barrier: I'm trying to bring more light to my soul. I want to feel love for G-o-d. Knowing He shows me love and protection.., but I feel a barrier and get very negative thoughts from nowhere. I push those thoughts out and continue to think about Torah,etc. Rabbi,when praying and there is an intrusion,what is your practice?? Reply

Theresa j pena orlando, fl usa May 20, 2011

I got it now I love to always study something about G-d; because I thought it would bring me close to heaven; but I realized it is heaven. Reply

George St Petersburg, Florida February 23, 2010

Studying Torah This is the first time that I came to this site.
I was extremely humbled by what it means to study Torah. I have never heard something so profound in all my years. I was brought up as a Catholic, engaged in the Evangelical movement in the 70's, then briefly was part of the Messianic movement in 2008. I have been dis-appointed with all of the above due to the fact that their doctrines reject the Laws of the Torah. Some want it both ways, but that is not how I see it. There is only One G-d that I believe in.

I was humbled by your explanation of what it means to study The Words of the Most High G-d and how it connects us with our Creator. I have studied many commentaries from the Christian, more than I would like to admit, but I have not heard anything so profound in all the years as a Christian, as I have in these past 28 minutes or so. Tears were brought to my eyes realising that the only true reality is G-d Himself, and studying His every WORD and how HOLY they are. Shalom Reply

john smith fort lauderdale, fl February 9, 2010

thank you thank you for your explanation. i do not want to sound as if i have the knowledge to question someone who has studied G-ds word not only in your life but through out your history, i am nothing i am everything as we all are. as you state in the video there are many levels to the Torah or is it many levels to our wisdom. i just cant imagine G-d himself having to think or feel about anything. he is more powerful than that. we as humans have put into words our thoughts our feelings on paper best to describe what we think G-d is or should be. there is no doubt in my mind that he has given us the Torah to study and to read to build generations of truth and knowledge on this planet. the Torah is a path for us to make us feel, make us think good pure thoughts and to create peace on earth as it states in the Torah it someday will be. it has provided us with such knowledge to get to the point of G-ds creation and where he wanted us to be. G-d lives in everything even the wicked and unremorseful. Reply

Hany GreenfieldPark February 9, 2010

TRUE FUSION Very Interesting. I have read somewhere that at one point the Israelites had to cover Moshe Rabbeinu's face because of an ''EMANATION of LIGHT'' and because they were unable to look at him,albeit i dont know how accurate and reliable that specific teaching is, I was wondering if it is connected to studying TORAH and the FUSION that occurs as a result with the INFINITE LIGHT. Reply

Grateful Jersey City February 9, 2010

Great! This is wonderful :) I am so motivated :) Reply

A series of video classes that expound upon mystical themes from the classic Chassidic work of Tanya.
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