By the Grace of G‑d
13 Nissan, 5720 [April 10, 1960]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Greeting and Blessing:

...As for the question of distracting thoughts during prayer, one general advice is to contemplate before the prayer on matters which relate to the greatness and kindness of the Al-mighty, and His benevolent Divine Providence, and the like. Reflecting on these matters will bring about a general inspiration which will be conducive to a better understanding and appreciation of the meaning of the prayers.

The above is a general advice, since no person remains in the same spiritual level, and it is therefore difficult to give particular suggestions. However, it would also be well for you to discuss with your Mashpia or similar good friend, your particular frame of mind, so as to receive some special advice within the general framework of the above suggestion.

(Excerpt from a letter)