Letter & Spirit - Personal and Public Correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Jewish Law and Tradition

On Different Hebrew Pronunciations
Which is the preferred Hebrew pronunciation, Ashkenazi, Sephardic or other?
Why Separate Men and Women in the Synagogue?
The Mechitzah Partition
“It is a mistake to think that the Mechitzah is degrading to the honor or dignity of the Jewish woman . . .”
Although many of the mitzvahs can be rationally understood, the real reason we adhere to them is because they are the will of G-d. Having said that, is there any rationality for mikvah?
I can't concentrate during prayer. What to do?
How to focus on prayer and not be bothered by distracting thoughts...
Shabbat Desecration on Jewish Ocean Liners
The claim that everything is done automatically during the Sabbath is absurd, and I state it with the fullest authority, being an engineer myself and having studied marine mechanics.
Tefillin: A Soldier's Protection
It’s obvious that a soldier must be fully protected, and wearing all his military protective gear, in order to remain unharmed. What about his spiritual protection?
True peace of mind can be attained with consciousness of G-d that is achieved through prayer. The particular path may differ for children, women and men.
The Chess Champs Keep Shabbat
Although Shabbat observance may sometime seem a burden with no real advantage, we find that on the contrary, those who adhere to it benefit not only spiritually but also materially.
Mind and Heart, and where they converge.
Judaism: Because We Were Told, or Because We Understand?
Although many of the mitzvahs can be rationally understood even in accordance with contemporary moral ethics, is this how and why they should be fulfilled?
When You Can't Do the Mitzvah
In Judaism, the deed is the primary thing. But sometimes the primary thing gets in the way.
Has the Torah become outdated that we must now modernize it?
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