Va'etchanan Videos

Studying Rashi: Parshat Va'etchanan
The Torah describes the revelation at Sinai by saying: "You have been shown, in order to know that the Lord He is G-d; there is none else besides Him." (Deuteronomy 4:35) Rashi explains that the way G-d showed the people is that "He tore open the heaven and earth." How are we to understand this unusual imagery?

Analysis of Rashi’s (seemingly superfluous) elucidation of the verse on Tefillin, quickly leads into broader exploration presenting a profound understanding of this foundational mitzvah. Discover defining differences between the hand and head set; and a fascinating duality of dimensions encoded into it. Revealing eye-opening legal, philosophical and mystical insights, this rumination will forever change the way you view the mitzvah of Tefillin!

The Torah commands us to “love G-d with all your heart”. The Hebrew word for 'heart' is spelled with an extra letter: the letter 'vet' appears twice. Our Sages explain that this means that we are to love G-d with both inclinations of the heart, the good (yetzer tov) and the evil (yetzer hara). But how can one possibly love G-d with one's evil inclination?! This class offers three answers in ascending sequence and offers a parallel model for a blissful marriage.

Parsha Va'etchanan
The final Mishnah of Tracate Shabbat concludes with the law that one may "close up [a window], measure [an object needed for a mitzvah], and tie a [non-permanent] knot on Shabbat." What do each of these three ideas represent in our spiritual service of G-d? (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 14)

Letters and Numbers of Torah - Va'etchanan
In the verse “Hear O Israel, the Lord our G-d, the Lord is One,” (Deuteronomy 6:4) the letter Ayin in the word Shema (Hear) and the letter Daled in the word Echad (One) are both unusually large. Ayin and Dalet spell Ayd (witness) to teach us that when we recite the Shema we should bear witness to G-d’s Oneness.

The Twelve Steps: Lesson 8, "Veshinantam"
The eighth step is based the verse “And you shall teach the Torah...and you should speak…when you are at home and when you travel, before you lie down…and when you wake up.” Discover, how we are not only instructed to study Torah, but rather to view every moment of life as a teachable opportunity; potentially impactful on a global scale. See how every casual encounter or situation may become transformative. Learn how you can elevate our world, accelerating universal redemption. Regardless of circumstances, we are each empowered to transcend the challenges and bring about a world of difference!
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- Parshah (5268)
- Va'etchanan (81)
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