
Shema and Bearing Witness

Letters and Numbers of Torah - Va'etchanan

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Shema and Bearing Witness: Letters and Numbers of Torah - Va'etchanan

In the verse “Hear O Israel, the Lord our G-d, the Lord is One,” (Deuteronomy 6:4) the letter Ayin in the word Shema (Hear) and the letter Daled in the word Echad (One) are both unusually large. Ayin and Dalet spell Ayd (witness) to teach us that when we recite the Shema we should bear witness to G-d’s Oneness.
Testimony, Ayin, Daled, Shema, Va'etchanan, Parshah

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Jorge Qro. Mexico March 30, 2016

To Rabbi Raskin Dear Rabbi Raskin,
I appreciate your kind words. I Am 72 yrs old, male, of course. I consider myself as a Chabadnik: and adherent but by no means a Jew. Considering it is allowed to say Shema without a Tefillin that's ok to me. I like the idea of saying the Shema as my last words before leaving this world. Thank you very much for your time and the care to attend my doubts. I appreciate all that.
With best regards.
Jorge Muñuzuri Becerra.
Querétaro, Qro. México Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts NY March 29, 2016

Tefillin Dear Jorge,
Say Shema even without tefillin.
However if one is a Jewish male over the age of
13 he should put on tefillin on weekdays.
If you need a pair contact us Reply

Jorge Qro. Mexico March 28, 2016

Should I understand that it's better - if I don't have a Tefillin - not to say the Shema, for fear of the Lord and for not to be a false witness. Reply

Anonymous USA July 23, 2013

Shema And Bearing Witness Thank you Rabbi Raskin for your teachings. As a woman I like to say the Shema in the morning and at night with my Siddur prayer before I go to bed. To me this is an acknowledgement to all that there is and exist that Hashem, blessed be He, is One and that is what I belief in my heart and soul. I haven't read anywhere in the Torah that a woman is not supposed to put on Tefillin nor wear the tallit or fringes. For what I read in Torah for all Israel to wear the fringes. But if you say not to, of course I would not wear them in public, but I do wear them at home to honor Hashem, blessed be He. I love G-d more than my life. And only Him I want to serve. I am not married, and made a vow 38 years ago not to sin ever again. Hashem is helping me to accomplish this vow. I wish I could do all the Mitzvah Hashem has given us. Thank you for your teachings. B''H Reply

Anonymous Miami fla, Usa August 2, 2012

Thank you very much for your inspiring class
It's so high up to shemaim Reply

Miss Elena Ester Rivka Guadagnini August 2, 2012

Thank you so much, wonderful lesson, as usual. Kol ha kavod!!!! Reply

Irene Glen Burnie, MD USA August 1, 2012

Shem and bearing witness Interesting lesson Rabbi Raskin. Very nicely taught. I enjoyed it very much.

You are a good teacher. Todah and may the blessings that G-d has for you be upon you today, tomorrow, and forever. Reply

Reg rj, rj/brazil August 1, 2012

halacha Where can we find in halacha that it is forbidden to women to put on tefilin, as I heard Aharon Raskin teaching tonight on talk on the Shema?
thanks Reply

Kayo Kaneko August 1, 2012

Ein Od B"H Thank you for your pricise shiur. Reply

Rabbi Raskin looks at the hidden meanings of the sizes and numerical values (gematria) of the Hebrew letters in the weekly Torah portion.
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