
How to Avoid Being Jealous

Something Spiritual on Parshat Vaetchanan

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How to Avoid Being Jealous: Something Spiritual on Parshat Vaetchanan

Jealousy, Envy, Va'etchanan, Do Not Covet

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Anonymous Oceanside March 5, 2020

Thank you for the info I'm not a jew but I still was able to gain much insight. Reply

James Mumbai May 9, 2017

Wonderful. Well said, Shabbat shalom. Reply

M. Diane August 9, 2017

I know your pain but I got mine! You can't figure G-d out! Don It is true that there nothing to compare to the emotional and spiritual pain a woman who longs to bear children feels when she has not brought forth a child and she witnesses with great sadness the certain limited number of ova G-d placed within her at birth which have the potential to become children being 'wasted' - literally flushed away with the passing months. One wonders: Will I leave this world without knowing the that labor G-d assigned women that distinguishes us (in large part) from men?

We can show G-d we are ready by staying positive and proving that the 'spiritual and emotional nest' we have prepared to ready to receive precious little Jewish souls - which, by the way, may already have been injured and will need your extra special love and positive reinforcement. They might need patience from a parent. Not all baby souls are new. Some came before and need special care. Can you show G-d you can love any baby? Do something nice or some child today - just because. Reply

Isa Bahrain August 7, 2017

Easy to say when you have three children. I'm childless, stuck in Bahrain with my job, no BF, no synagogue, and all my attempts (natural, artificial including IUI and IVF) are failing. How am I supposed to not be jealous on all mothers out there???
I even wanted to go to Israel but can't afford to pay $8,000 for the procedure plus flight, lodging, and food. Time is everything and I may need to learn how to live with my status quo.
Maybe I'm not meant to be a mother. Or to be a single mother.
I know, I know, adoption is always on the table. But I have decided not to go that route by myself. Reply

antonio sabella providence August 5, 2017

So much value in these talks. It helps me in my life. Reply

Eleanor Skibo Pennsylvania, USA August 5, 2017

Learning how to be jealous of our neighbors belongings or whatever isn't ours is learning and focusing on what we want in our lives not what others have. What are we happy with? Are we happy with just what we have now? Do we have our own plans for what kind of house we want to live in, instead of coping our neighbors house. Jealousy is retraining our eyes to look past the right or the left and focusing our eyes on the path straight ahead. Reply

Anonymous August 3, 2017

Rabbi Stern, I enjoy your 'tiny talks.' Thank you for making them. G-d bless you. (Could you make a longer one every now and then?) Reply

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