
A Widow's Story

The small cruse of oil

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A Widow's Story: The small cruse of oil

Feeling enslaved by your busy schedule? Yearning for inspiration? The story of a small cruse of oil and a message on how to find greater meaning in your life.
Elisha and the Cruse of Oil, Inspiration, Action; Deed, Elisha

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slj OK February 3, 2024

This reminder is much needed by me today. Beginning the search for my cruse of oil. Thank you. Reply

Rachel Emek Heffer. Israel. November 6, 2014

Toda Thanks a lot dear Chana Weisberg. Now I feel more like going back to volounteering. Reply

Gloria Stamford, CT May 11, 2011

The Widow This is great message, I am glad Ihad the opoortunity to listen and I will keep obedient to G-d and Pray, so I can understand more and more of his word.

Blessings to ChanWeisberg Reply

Rachel Klinger Azulay Rio de janeiro, Brasil August 21, 2008

the widow Recently I was just thinking that we don't have any "material"(lessons, writings,etc..) on widows, As I became, recently, one, I was amazing in hearing you, Chana, filling my emptiness with meaning through this sensitivy talking..
Thanks. I love you, since I heard your lecture on Prayer ( in Messages Tania)- which made me cry at prayer. Reply

Arik August 21, 2008

Keep up the good work אני אוהב מה את אומרת

I find the real challenge in doing mitzvos when your schedual is empty, and your service is chas vShalom cold.

Peace Peace Peace and keep adding warmth. Reply

Michal August 19, 2008

Only a little oil left What you told us, was beautiful and true!
I sometimes feel, without my husband, who died, my life is meaningless.
But to hear that we should do acts of kindness and so on, be busy with it all the day,
I find very helpful. Thank you! Reply

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