
Your Cell Phone is Ringing!

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Your Cell Phone is Ringing!

It’s your spiritual cell phone ringing… It’s reaching out to you and asking, “Can you hear me now? I need you!” Will you answer the call?
Freedom of Choice, Action; Deed, Mission in Life, A Person's

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ERIKA ESTHER montevideo, montevideo August 14, 2009

it's beatefull well I turn off my cel in Shabat, but now i will put one message: sorry I can't to talk to you, today is the day for G-d. SHABAT SHALOM Reply

adina milan, italy August 7, 2009

cell? refreshing little piece to rewrite every day our priorities and not let them slip by... Reply

Anonymous london August 5, 2009

15 year old I always love the lessons Chana brings down... there things we can actually relate to easily. Reply

Malka Miami, florida August 5, 2009

cell? A very cute little piece, clear and to the point, I would hope everyone "gets it"

One question though---how about instead of G-d calling us on our "cell" phone, how about Him calling us on our "soul" phone!? Reply

A Fan August 4, 2009

man! I sure am glad no-one caught me doing that on my cellphone on video camera. I love ALL of Chana's stuff but this one is not my favorite. I like it better when she talks about her kids and other stuff like that. Reply

Anonymous League City August 3, 2009

Only few questions for Him: when? where ? and for It's cute!
Thanks! Reply

Anonymous Tiburon, CA/USA August 3, 2009

Your Cell Phone Is Ringing What an insightful piece. I think many people are afraid to answer that call, or, if they do, afraid to fail in whatever service they need provide G-d. There's also the possibility of "misinterpreting" the call -- another reason why people may hesitate.

Thanks for such an enlightening piece.

Rachel Reply