
The Jewish Woman

In light of the Rebbe’s teachings

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The Jewish Woman: In light of the Rebbe’s teachings

The Jewish woman has a unique mission specific to her special qualities and sensitivities. The very future of the Jewish people depends on her success.
Women, Femininity & Feminism, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Olga Australia November 2, 2024

I wish we have more Rabbis in Canberra Australia. More Jewish education. More Jewish culture.
Please don’t forget about us here.

Thank you Reply

Tzvi Fastag Brooklyn, NY May 24, 2021

There is no question that ladies have greater insight then men. A lady can usually read a person more accurately then man do and at times can predict which persons are genuine or phony.
No wonder Hashem told Abraham to listen to his wife Sarah because Sarah's prophesy was clearer than Abraham's prophesy.
And yes Sarah was correct to predict that Ishmael would have been a bad influence on young Yitzhak spiritual development.
So my friends when a lady speaks please listen respectfully. Reply

Heather Wolf California May 11, 2015

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Reply

Happy Bubby Seattle May 6, 2015

What an Honor it is to be a Bas Yisroel Candle by candle, kindness by kindness, Jewish women will change this world and open the gates for our righteous Moshiach (Messiah). We can begin anywhere -- at work, at the supermarket, on the bus....be kind to others, to all people...smile, listen, offer help, keep your head up and look around for opportunities to fill this world with love, light, kind acts, which it so sorely needs. Let us emulate G-d and love unconditionally, observe non-judgmentally, give generously without strings attached, light holy Shabbos candles, and take good care of our own health and souls. Reply

Sarah Oakland December 25, 2014

When I first met the Chabad Rebbetzins, I thought, "Wow, this is how much you do everyday?!" They run the home, entertain and educate guests, manage operations of the programs, take care of the kids, the husband, their parents...I was so inspired but very intimidated by the role of the super woman. Reply

Sonia San Carlos, CA June 30, 2012

Did not realize I honestly believed that among the Jews throughout the world women were the lowest class citizen.

My Father treated my Mom, and his only daughter as such, and my brother was worshiped by my parents. Reply

Eva Rado Balazs Norwalk, Connecticut June 25, 2012

Jewish women It is important to understand the role of women in Judaism Reply

Mary Ruth Andrews Gladwin, Mi December 31, 2011

Such an inspiring film for me and others. To be joyful, to be a light to the world in representing Judaism. Reply

elizabeth pasquale putnam valley, new york via putnamchabad.org January 29, 2010

Sabbath Blessings I love and need to light my Sabbath candles and pray. It is more than a joy, it fills my heart with light, hope and gratitude. Reply

Ellyn Camp Ocala, FL via jewishmarion.org January 20, 2010

A women with identity It is wonderful to learn what an important identity the woman has in the jewish faith. There is no searching. It is truly a full and purposeful life. Reply

Natalia N. Englewood Cliffs, NJ June 10, 2009

Moving Video What a wonderful segment on the joy and blessing of being a Jewish woman! Reply

Anonymous philadelphia, pa March 31, 2009

good job good job Reply

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